Dān Jurzōn

It can be two things. But I'm less wrong!!

Watch it again and figure it out for yourself, you slack jawed, mouth breathing lazy sloth! Ha! Just kidding, you're probably none of those things… But seriously, if I told you exactly where to find the "coded instructions" or how to "read" them I'd be depriving you of one of the film's most important and satisfying

If you think that Alien lacks suspense or tension or drama, maybe you've simply got a more common, more juvenile sensibility in that you require bigger, louder, more obvious and constant thrills, which is what Aliens provides. Aliens is more of a kids movie, or a not so clever adult's movie, whereas Alien is more

I know, right?!

According to your theory the most mean-spirited shitbird who deserves to lose in our world ought to be only moments from collapse and ruin, right? Is the USA—clearly the most corrupt, depraved and devious of all powers upon this imperiled, faltering planet—on the precipice of destruction? Probably.

No, Ridley Scott's original creation is so far superior to Cameron's much more schlocky, grunt level sequel. Alien not only introduced the thrill of abstract existential dread to the Scifi film genre (I could maybe argue that The Andromeda Strain was actually the first), it also elevated the audio/visual stakes

I have no real gripe with your comment, you're opinion is valid and worthwhile, or at least—the very least—it's your own. What I do take issue with, however… no, what I abso-fucking-lutely cannot tolerate is people thinking that James Cameron's much more pedestrian and cerebrally vacuous Aliens is comparable in any

By good you mean cantankerous, frazzled and grotesquely smug, right?

Choose your weapon… Oh, OK, it's going to be a battle of wits, is it? Well then, I concede. Congratulations, the space is yours. I'm heading to the bar, care to join me?…

It can be… all things!

He'll have to get through me to claim it!

Michelle will have to fight Taylor Swift and Beyonce for the title. It'll be a no holds barred, all weapons allowed Battle To The Death in the Thunderdome… Or, a 20 question exam on civil law, focusing on mid 19th century tort reform with particular emphasis on the incidental impact upon interstate trade and domestic

Holy Anachronistic Shitsnacks!

Me, I prefer to gouge out the lascivious and treacherous eyeballs of the miserable letches who dare to gaze upon her exposed bountiful bodaciousness.

"Shillery" is much less of an inaccurate, utterly distorted and invalid trigger word than "Benghazi." Much, much, much less.

My step brother and his dutiful, obedient, obliging, God fearing Catholic wife (her 2nd marriage, his 3rd!) think "Crooked Hillary" is the most brilliantly perfect insult/joke they've ever heard. Whenever they say it they laugh and laugh as if they just told the most dangerous and deadly joke ever spoken. They

Whatever else he might like to imagine himself to be we all know that first and foremost Mike Pence is a pathetic useless tool. He's like one of those Garden Weasels that a lot of people bought for no other reason than it was the most oddly threatening but silliest sounding thing they'd ever seen advertised on TV. The

Agnostic? What more proof do you need to push you over the line into fully committed atheist than the simple fact of Donald Trump? The simple, ugly, terrible, unholy, nightmarish fact of him!! *wink*

With or without pulp? Yeah, he's probably just all rind. No juice or pulp, just dry, bitter rind.

Justices? More like Injustices. Amirite?!