Dān Jurzōn

When you're stalking deer you must be prepared to reverse course very quickly, faster than you can possibly imagine, and so your hat must always be facing the other direction.

So, Alderaan was the Ball Bearing Capital of the galaxy?

And married to the same guy for like a hundred years!

No, I was going to say that Dolly Parton is the breast country singer. I mean she's a country performer whose talent is busting out of her. OK, I just want to say that as far as country (and bluegrass) stars go, she's the tits!!

Misery?!! These sorts of tediously trivial debates are precisely what best alleviate me of my otherwise ceaseless, unrelenting misery. If you can't find sublime relief and value in the profound philosophical implications inherent in ascertaining conclusively which film has the highest "onscreen" bodycount, well maybe

Can be reasonable. But when push comes to shove things get a lot more serious and ugly. It's really just human nature. Or rather, it's Geek/human nature. Aha!

In my experience Geeks are most profoundly offended when the less than glamorous, more geeky aspects of their lifestyles are mocked. I had a college friend and housemate who had been a classic introverted geeky teen meaning he had been a nonathletic avid comic book collector, player of D&D, and voracious consumer of

I don't pretend to be the ultimate authority on the quality and worthiness of our society's cultural diversions—no, that's my cranky drunken uncle's job—but I say it's a funny show. Not one of my favorite shows, no, not close—Veep, Louis C.K., Inside Amy Schumer, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, IASIP, Last Man on

They targeted the wrong towers…

The jig is up!

No, I neeeeed to see that!!

VR will become a thing just as soon as the bizarre surreal spectacle that is the current Presidential election is over and done. We then will all embrace VR as an escape from the horribly miserable hellscape to which our world has been reduced at the hands of that craven demented megalomaniac impostor. And it'll be

What's the weather look like out at the pier, Ollie?

If Maggie's voice had been an eloquent sophisticated woman's voice the gag would've worked much better. Or maybe Ozzy Osborne's voice?!

If you watch the VR version of the show she is naked. In fact everyone's naked. Even I was naked.

I'm the opposite. I rarely watch anymore so when I very occasionally catch a new episode such as I did this week I'm sometimes pleasantly surprised that it's not as bad as I remember it had gotten 7 or 8 or 12 seasons ago. I assumed it would simply continue on a slow and steady downhill slide into complete, total and

I immediately thought he was hiding porn in the Police Academy dvd cases, or even better, Krzysztof Kieślowski's Dekalog.

I'm guessing it's because someone at Fox heard somewhere that Hillary likes Bobs Burgers so just to spite her they jerk it around. They jerk it around — that's Fox's favorite move!

"there isn't a widespread problem of brutality against the black population in Canada like there is in the U.S."

You're citing these anecdotal incidences of BLM's less than genius behavior as though they essentially balance the long and ugly history of injustice suffered by Blacks in North America. Are BLM sometimes misguided and even silly? Yes. Are you entitled to express you disapproval and even contempt for their efforts?