Dān Jurzōn

Yes, the anti Gay mindset is very pronounced in the Black community, thanks largely to the nefarious influence of the notoriously anti gay Christian Church which plays such a major role in Black communities. I empathize with your concern that BLM in Canada is actually undermining their own interest, but harshly

Being related to a few cops who are not the most liberal minded individuals on the planet certainly has contributed to my suspicion that most cops at heart are fascists. When Trump repeatedly declared that Law & Order are what's needed to solve the inner city problems my cop uncle and cousins were grunting in

Even if BLM in Canada is misdirected or even reckless your need to denigrate them speaks loudest about your relative lack of concern with the conditions about which they're protesting. Yes, the LGBT community aren't the enemy which BLM needs to be confronting, and BLM's spastically misguided opportunistic protest at

Oh, you're sure they have some valid concerns? That's mighty white of you. Your attitude reveals the unfortunate truth of racism and oppression, that it effectively works through the smaller, less overt casual expressions of ignorance by the unaffected White majority. You dismiss the protests of Canadian BLM because

In the States the BLM movement is intentionally and in my opinion understandably belligerent, because that's the intensity of action which seems to be necessary to achieve any real impact. I realize that MLKs pacifist approach is the one which most people—most white people—respect, but it was Malcolm X's more

Engaging directly with the enemy—even a laughably delusional and frightfully demented enemy—is a vital tactic in the overall larger campaign to rid the world of shitheadedness. By confronting the feeble turd on his own terms—anonymously and without the slightest risk of personal cost—I've actually acted in defense of

First of all, the Democratic message has never been "Things are Bad," which is far too imprecise and vague a statement. Rather, it much more so has been "There are certain conditions and issues adversely affecting our society which require immediate attention, and as the greatest and freest nation on the planet we

Fun Fact: The solid waste leftovers at a wastewater treatment plant are actually the raw material from which is made exceptionally rich and valuable fertilizer. So, biologically speaking, calling Trump wastewater treatment plant solids is a compliment. Don't do that again!

That's a Bingo!

Aw, Ann Landers Sucks!

The best!

Charles Manson, Dick Cheney and, you guessed it, Satan!

The AV Club

He blasted America in the face with his hot spunky satire.

spillczech is when you almost knock over your Urquell, but you snatch it just in time, thanks to your Krav Maga training, and meth addiction.

Kugel is the deal breaker for me! Everyone claims to make the best kugel, and you must try it because you've never had it like this, but no, it always tastes like a schizophrenic dessert that thinks it's a side dish. And why is the brisket always so goddamn dry?!

The other day I actually saw a CVS eating a Walgreens. At least the CVS is eating healthy. Get it? Wal-greens. Eh? Eh?!…

A tower of pastrami fell on him and he died trying to eat his way out? Watta way ta go!

I actually enjoyed the furiously ranting Carlin. I think George peaked with You Are All Diseased from 1999 which he recorded not too long after his poor wife, Brenda, had died of cancer which apparently had impacted him in a profound way and he was especially fierce and fiery. He was so amped up that his first words

You lousy kids with your Godless ways! Me, I'm a devout purist. As much as I love good corned beef, I consider it a violation of the solemn integrity of quality hot pastrami to serve it with anything other than a healthy shmear of spicy brown mustard on real sourdough rye, and maybe on occasion a very thin slice of