Dān Jurzōn

Jebus Friggin Cripes, this dude was a stone cold freak, and his paintings are pure, uncut, US Grade A Prime fecal matter! But some people seem to like 'em. Freaks!

In some parts of the US it's still a struggle just to teach that the world is more than 5,000 years old, so the details of Russian-Polish history might be too much to ask.

Turkey's credit rating was just downgraded to Junk level so, ya know, payback's a bitch


You've got your own little usurper to suppress!


That pathetic blunder is the unmistakable hallmark of a Wiki based education. I sure hope someone got Wiki-fired for that.


If Mobley and Trenton can "reset" the whole E-Corps situation then they're potentially valuable to the Dark Army, I would think. Elliot is able to abort the 2nd phase but maybe he isn't able to "reset" phase 1? I'm not sure.

The Phanatic is more popular in Philly than Santa Clause, no exaggeration. I volunteered at a few Xmas events in "underprivileged" communities where Santa Claus would hand out gifts to the children—damn nice gifts, such as sports equipment, radio controlled vehicles, real estate, etc.—but when the Phanatic would make

It's on fire!!

Oh c'mon, that Clucking Chicken ain't got chicken shit on the Philly Phantic. Wat duh Phuk?!

That's the Predator Pedophile Special Edition of the toy.

Leon might possibly be an envoy from the Dark Army on a mission to recruit Trenton and Mobley to its cause. The Dark Army is focused upon Elliot and doing what it can to ensure that they have a trusted ally in him. To this end they're exploiting Elliott's personal relationships as a tactic to convince him to commit

Ya know who hates that stoopid pikcher? Yer mom.

"Remember when this cantina was the one place you could count on for a pleasant, no drama night out? But then they let that goddamn crazy space jazz band start playing here and it just went all to hell."

Mop Wars

Elliot is obviously a character in a videogame—Mr. Robot—that is being played by us, the audience, and Tyrell—who is also a game character—shooting Elliot isn't nearly as serious a thing as it would be in real life because videogame characters have many lives, where dying is not a permanent condition. Aha!

Fantastic! You've succinctly and eloquently encapsulated the major thematic and stylistic elements of Mr. Robot, in particular its emphatically subjective—and therefore limited—view of the larger society as revealed via the individual characters' experiences.

The AV Club