Dān Jurzōn

Man, I really, really loved this stupid show. It had everything I could desire at the time when I was working long hard hours in construction and in the evenings mindless but still clever TV was all that kept me from machine gunning a shopping mall or voting Republican. It was a great show in that it exploited

The destruction of everyone's financial debt/record is the objective of The Narrator's/Tyler Durden's grand scheme in Fight Club and is the guiding conceit which Mr. Robot has been methodically—and ironically—deconstructing for two seasons. Where Fight Club is an extremely funny satire of contemporary civilization

But is it actually Elliot's head into which we're being granted intimate access?! This seems to be the question the show so consistently and mischievously keeps asking; exactly who—or what!—is Elliot?

In the 80's and into the 90's the LA Police were still notoriously corrupt, and enough of the force and management was on the payrolls of all sorts of nefarious individuals and "organizations." It would have been extremely difficult and even dangerous to insist that the authorities investigate those same "powers that

That sort of coarse, crude comment absolutely isn't fair, especially to the workers charged with the thankless job of fishing Corey's charred corpse out of that infernal dumpster… Yoink!

"a good place mentally" — The Olive Garden?!

Thank you for your very kind words, but how did you find me and who are you working for?!

The irony being that perogies are the antithesis of zesty or spicy. Yoink!

Talk about lazy bigots!

You have no idea. No seriously, you've got not the slightest hint of a clue…

No, no, absolutely not. And that curiously familiar fellow in the mirror seems to agree with me. I like his face so I trust him.

Most misinformed historians would agree with that inaccurate assessment. Harding arguably wasn't a paragon of excellence, but he also wasn't nearly the abomination that opportunistic, financially and politically motivated detractors would have us believe. He actually died much too soon into his Presidency to warrant

Playing the Zither

The irony—no, the idiocy!—of a follower of one particular superstitious belief system denigrating someone else for that person's superstitious belief system is certainly in a class of hypocrisy all its own. There's nothing so absurdly pathetic as when Christians or Jews or Muslims or Hindus or Daoists or Pagan

The most offensive thing you can call a racist is racist, or a bigot is bigoted. Likewise, misogynists are most offended by anyone pointing out their misogyny, or homophobes being made aware of their homophobia. Islamophobes always furiously protest when confronted over their Islamophobia, because they choose to see

Wait, if journalism is "broke" how could you have read a really good article about it?! That's like saying government can fix the problems with government, or that ugly people are the best customers at the mirror store.

"I have the best Jagoff words. And I build the most gorgeous Jagoff buildings. And I want to bang my Jagoff daughter…"

Not even Putin?

Sometimes we must remove our spectacles in order to see clearly. And smash them!

An ex-girlfriend's father was a car mechanic who owned his own repair shop and he needed it because he drove a Jaguar. Well, he owned a Jaguar, but I don't think he drove it very much.