Dān Jurzōn

T-Rex is such a freakin' awesome band. I found a T-Rex album, Electric Warrior, on the street when I was 9 or 10—yeah, an actual vinyl album in the sheath and cover—but when I brought it home and played it I wasn't too impressed. In fact I didn't listen to it again for at least a couple years until after I had somehow

And AV Club commenter Gene Creamer is actually the latest, most cutting edge development in AI chat thread content production; a fully autonomous cybernetic comment scripter powered by a patented proprietary algorithm generating the most natural, life like chat thread comments ever achieved. A remarkably convincing

I think they're urinal cakes.

Especially with no embedded razorblade. Watta rip!

Necco wafers - a candy invented by a tongueless manic

Well, why don't they just make the whole airplane out of year-old candy corn?!

I prefer my candied corns on the cob, thank you.

Yes I have, it's right on top of America. Toronto is the lovely man-bun on the USA's balding head.

Don't worry, he's got a firm grip on the situation.

A Film Festival sounds good, on paper, but c'mon. Festival?! Are the audiences gayly mingling as they boisterously chit chat and cavort, frolicking friskily to exotic syncopated rhythms as champagne flutes clink and bubbly loud laughter wafts through the balmy, electric evening air?… Ha!

He's obviously a rabidly bigoted regionalist. Obviously.

Oh, the Morrissey "joke!!" I thought you were referring to his coworker's T-Shirt.

Wisconsin: We Eat People.

Comedy, it's such a funny business… And then you die.

Something to do with an unreturned borrowed sweater vest, or perhaps it was an improperly referenced turn of the century midwifing implement. Who can tell with those wacky weirdos?!

Uh, and what do you do with cheese?!

Luv yer Quantum Nuggets!

It isn't or is funny? You've confused me and made my poor tiny brain ache.

Nearly everyone alive knows someone whose life has been prematurely and/or unjustly extinguished, and some know many more than others, but that doesn't grant them—or you—a privileged status exempt from the more commonly accepted customs of social engagement. The bewildering insanity, intolerable viciousness, and utter

Your personal association with this particular heinous tragedy certainly deserves special consideration, and had you'd prefaced your original complaint with this most critical information this awkward situation may have been avoided.