Dān Jurzōn

Well, I'm laughin'. The malevolent specter of Jeffrey Dahmer is just too unimaginably, outrageously gruesome a horror to not be deeply, darkly profoundly hysterical. Also, Wisconsin. Laugh or succumb!

Bet he feels like a cockroach now!

Not to generalize or oversimplify, but that's perhaps a typical response of a narcissistic self obsessed misfit, to be relatively oblivious of or in denial of certain realities until being personally affected. It's like a Conservative Republican suddenly deciding that homosexuality isn't such an unGodly sin when he

I read it literally, as what he actually, truly believed, but it was so cleverly, so compellingly written that I not only tolerated it but thoroughly enjoyed it. Quality art is strange that way. But then in later years he did get increasingly demented and radical, unpleasantly so.

Gravel = Gravitas.

Isn't he that guy in the park that Jethro Tull warned us about?

Moer lyke Alyn Walrus beakawz, Walrus Tusks!

Whenever a politician—or anyone—proposes one of those sorts of unconstitutional behavioral modification laws that person should be immediately and permanently barred from holding any public office of any kind. If the shithead isn't familiar with our country's most fundamental inalienable rights he or she doesn't

The profound disruptions and ruptures to the right wing movement—thanks to the gloriously cataclysmic nightmarish ascendency of Herr Drumph—has spawned some genuinely curious responses within the historically uniformly aligned, hive minded, lockstep conservative ranks. Even that stalwart crusader for unimaginative

You're talking about his agent and his mother, right?

Thanks John? Thanks?! How can you so graciously compliment the person responsible for this pitifully inadequate excuse for a column on Football? No mention of the Eurocup controversy, or of the pitifully biased and sporadic telecasts of sub Premiere League contests, and not even a single word on the recently tabled

I'm not a fan of pro football, and I won't be until they prohibit field goals, or at least restrict them to the 4th quarter. Retreating to the relative security of a measly 3 pointer at the first sign of danger—or 2nd, or even 3rd sign—is such a dainty and demure act of resignation which only undermines the noble

And the portions are so small!!

The AV Club


Um, I was told there'd be snacks.

Ah yes, the laughs we all had when we learned that the others had all died suddenly and horribly too soon…

But what about these tasty hors d'oeuvres they're serving us? I just had a lovely little amuse bouche of baked foot on a Ritz cracker. And the stuffed grilled orphan hearts are to die for!

This is a film which has so profoundly touched a lot of people—people my age and younger, even much younger—by it's achingly intense nostalgia for the hopeful, maybe happier days of youth when our unbounded, not yet dashed expectations for our future fueled us on our daily missions of self exploration. Heady times,

So… they're Irish?!