Dān Jurzōn

Dennis Miller also insists Coulter is just trolling all the Liberals. But if she is trolling to me she's not especially compelling or entertaining. She's just annoying.

When I first heard that one it did make me pause for a moment (as did Jimmy Carr's viciously wicked quip). I had to process it all the way through before I knew what to feel, it sounded so extremely harsh and even cruel. But then I remembered just what a thoroughly worthless piece of human garbage is that maniacally

I believe her ample bosom which was on prominent display is quite relevant. Doubly relevant!

Isn't Dustin Smith that dude who got got caught taking a shit in the Chili pot at the Golden Corral in Alabama or Texarkana or Palookaville? I've just always assumed there's human feces in the Chili at Golden Corral, and in everything else they serve.

The cuts to Coulter's grim, peculiar face were like those TV commercials for charities for the horribly poor children around the world. Whenever they showed her haggard miserable head I felt a pang in the pit of my stomach and a deep sadness enveloped me. She's so creepy, weird, and disturbing.

With pleasure. And relish. And mustard.

And Fresca is a perfect diet soda.

Pull hand grenade pin, count to 8, and just let the magic wash over you, along with the hurtling shower of sinewy tattered bits of blasted bloody flesh.

For me it's a dead heat between The Big Lebowski which I've enthusiastically seen at least 25 times, and Barton Fink which seems to resonate more and more for me as I age and I appreciate just how thoroughly craven and formidably monstrous is the Hollywood machine. Tinsel Town seems to be owned, managed and populated

Barry Levinson is my tax attorney. You must be thinking of Frank Stallone.

She's a sick twist, alright, but she's family.

I found and clicked on this video at just the right moment, when my special signature cocktail of 3 fingers of Wild Turkey 8 year old Straight Rye Whiskey, 1 finger of Dry Sherry, and 2 Benadryls had kicked in and lemme tell ya, I feel like I've just been to Hell and back, and I'm certain that when I actually get

Remind me again, who the hell are you?

Aaaaahhh, Natasha Lyonne. Such an alluring, irresistible melange of street smart toughness and compelling vulnerability, and wrapped in such a formidably gorgeous package. Truly a massive boner I have for her. She is my fantasy, my ideal, my maniacal ambition, and I will have her!

You ardently possess a very firm view which is certainly informed by historic reality, however your apparent insistence that the South was absolutely and utterly incorrect, wrong, barbaric and inhumanly savage, while the North was by comparison correct, right, noble, virtuous and unquestionably worthy of admiration,

Absolutely, MLK's tactic of nonviolence unquestionably garnered him and the movement an enormous amount of sympathetic support from otherwise less inclined Whites. But the policy of nonviolence was actually an accommodation to the considerable bigotry and willful blindness of the White majority. See, if Whites had

But I am the Secret Service!

A-doy! Sarcasm much?

But the North was host to the inhuman and ungodly exploitation of Black labor as well, where "free" Blacks were relegated to near slave conditions in factories, manufacturing trades, agricultural labor, and domestic service. While the absolute worst, most gruesome aspects of slavery weren't so regularly and

At the risk of sounding arrogant and smug, I can comfortably reduce your response to a common platitude: Different strokes for different folks. That's an agreeable and even acceptable tactic for living in this world, or for at least getting by, but it really doesn't acknowledge the sad ugly fact of how religious