Dān Jurzōn

Mulholland Drive is unquestionably a remarkably, terrifyingly superior film, with it's sinisterly ingenious trick structure and its relentless and irresistible subversion of all our expectations and preconceptions as to what is or isn't real, cinematically. Mulholland Drive methodically deconstructs some of the most

But that's only because it never began. Lazy bastard, time.

You're out of line! Get back in line, and wait your turn to purchase a ticket, like all the rest of us cued up braying, cud chewing cattle.

The curious thing about Obama's presidency is that people who judge his tenure objectively, with clear eyed, rational and real world standards—such as yourself—are actually honoring and respecting him as much as is humanly possible, because by being as unbiased, as unprejudiced as you are you are bestowing upon him

The FINEST film of the 21st Century, without a doubt, is one which many, if not most of the people who've seen it—or rather who've experienced it—would find it extremely difficult, if not impossible to confidently declare it either a Masterpiece or an Utter and Complete Failure, and that baffling, confounding,

Hillary had certainly already earned herself considerable dissatisfaction from all quarters long before she became deserving—in the minds of the racist Obama haters—of all the rabid hatred they feel for him. Those racist Obama haters might be in deep denial about the true nature of the irrational, insane revulsion

Bravo!! You've eloquently encapsulated my sincerest, most unrefined, unresolved thoughts about the lunacy of this election, how Trump's severely perverse and preposterous existence has so effectively blinded so many people to the Clintons' self interested duplicity. Bill and Hillary are nearly entirely an illusion, a

The intense, mind melting hatred which Hillary inspires in many people is beyond irrational; it's clinically, pathologically derranged. As absurd and outrageous and terrible is the reality of Trump, for so many people the prospect of a Hillary Presidency is worse. It's a matter of their lowest, most primitive,

Colin friggin' Powell did not tell her to use a private server for both official and personal communications. That's Hillary's amoral pieces of pure shit handlers attempting to foist the blame onto an otherwise respected and revered political figure. Colin Powell had discussed the pros and cons with Hillary of her

; /

Me?! It's the Good Humor Man that's the real menace. Think of the children. The Children!!

No, I'm not an anti-Hillary GOP dittobot. I'm a human being whose only response to the current sad, tragic choice we're being made to accept is to publicly declare that just because Trump is an utterly demented, worthless piece of human garbage doesn't elevate Hillary to the status of Just and Noble Crusader for Truth

And then he takes us all out for milk and cookies!

C'mon, this is Hillary we're talking about. She's so full of misdirected, unfocused, unresolved rage over the Monica Lewinsky/Whitewater affair where she was made to face the embarrassing horrible truth of her husband's philandering ways in front of the whole nation—the whole world. She was so deeply, profoundly

The fiery raging maelstrom of my sublime fury shall scorch a charred trail of misery through the tangled tumultuous core of your dark desolate soul… Cheers!

How 'bout me shitting my own pants?

Other than the impressive one atop my vacuous skull, I have no point.

Hey, I think you're getting the hang of it.

True, but if you even delicately scratch at Hillary's shiny shrill Red White & Blue pantsuited exterior you release the infected, oozing, odorous pus of maniacally hysterical self interested delusional ambition engulfing her imperiled, shriveling social conscience. She's now predominantly composed of such putrid,

George Carlin would be hating/loving this sad sorry shit so goddamned fucking much. All the Left Leaning Liberal Progressive Democrats are in such apoplectic mind shattering near euphoric hysteria over having someone so clearly and absolutely horrible as Trump against whom they can all so passionately and self