Dān Jurzōn

I concur, to a very definite degree. And even if Wilmore invited Stewart to appear that doesn't grant Stewart license to be noticeably glib and smug which, of course, just happens to be Jon's default state most of the time. I'm sure off camera Jon was both exceedingly gracious and kind and genuinely sincere in his

Sheinelle Jones and Mike Jerrick were the co-hosts of the Philadelphia Fox morning show for many years until she left 2 years ago. They were a perfect partnership, their individual pleasant and quirky personalities intermingling and reacting to create a surprisingly compelling, sincerely delightful chemistry. Their

There definitely was a small amount of patriarchal White Authority Figure vibe to Stewart's appearance, and I did think to myself that some of what Jon was saying could possibly be perceived as condescending or maybe even smugly sarcastic. I think to a certain degree this is an inescapable phenomenon inherent in all

The thing is, Larry Wilmore did fail, and he failed in a couple very clear and specific ways, which just happen to be the reason a lot of people abandoned the show. One obvious and easily remedied but frustratingly neglected problem was Ricky Velez with his too often disappointing performance and whose mere presence

But definitely not Monica Crowley. Yeuch.

Jon Stewart should have sent Larry a 40 of Schlitz Malt Liquor, because Black Livers Matter. Thunderbird is a fine alternative. Better yet, get on the Night Train Express!

And the athletes didn't have undetectable hi-tech ultra sophisticated performance enhancing chemical compounds coursing through their systems. Ha.

Assuming the New World Order has been firmly established by 2072, there will be no actual recognized National Sovereign States but rather one single solitary trans-global planetary Free Trade Zone where distinct ethnic, cultural and racial differences will have been so thoroughly blended and blurred resulting in a

If I may quote the esteemed and honorable David Letterman: Those corporate weasels!

Ukraine is game to you?!

Trump doesn't read anything longer than a couple words. Whatever the judge orders it should fit on a bumper sticker: Trump Dumped 4Evah!

Yogurt spiked with Ex Lax.


Ricky Velez's presence was so obviously a calculated attempted to attract younger viewers, as though simply having a millennial person of color would be enough of a draw and his actual comedic talents would be a secondary concern. Wrong! Velez just wasn't funny or witty or charming or likeable enough to justify his

My 3rd favorite stripper name is Fromage. Trés chic, non?

The Man!

Skin left on? How crude. I drink only vintages of flayed fruit. The grapes screams of agony enhances drinkability.

My favorite stripper name is Bleu. She makes you think she's gonna blow you but instead leaves you with balls deeply, painfully blue.

I believe it had something to do with upcoming contract renewals, and maybe even the number of complaints that CC has received from displeased viewers over Larry's more blunt critique of the Police murders of unarmed Black men. There's evidence that the complaints were not coming from actual viewers of the show but

I think Larry Wilmore was somewhat doomed to failure from the start by having to fill Colbert's impossibly massive shoes. I do like Larry's more casual laid back (and black!) attitude and really appreciate and enjoy his show's direct take on racial issues—especially the "Unblackening" feature as well as the running