Dān Jurzōn

Other popular lesbian celebrities are Wanda Sykes, Jane Lynch, and of course, Justin Bieber.

Your working style is to not work. Slacker!

As I read this "story" I'm watching Jerry Orbach on a Law and Order from 2002. He's the coolest swingingest mofo, ever!

This is such an intensely dicey, sensational and volatile subject to even tentatively approach, but I understand what you're saying. Most adults are at some time or another sexually attracted to teens and even preteens. Though natural human biological imperatives are indifferent to such petty, tedious concerns, most

Sounds like the reality of your sex life is questionable. Ha! I keed, I keed.

Yeah, but you have to live in Canada, so there's that. Ha! No, no, I keed, I keed, Canada is great. Except for the people. No, no, I keed…

Morality is the last refuge of the scoundrel! So is a hole in the ground in Iraq.

I don't quite understand what you're suggesting with your quixotic verbiage. I don't even understand what's "quixotic verbiage."

"They" are probably savagely insane homicidal maniacs!

You seem to have tentatively grasped the core concept driving the humor of egghog's comment. Keep up the inadequate effort!

Sarah Hyland often dances dirtily in the Catskill resort of my mind, if ya know what I'm sayin'.

First rule of Jared Leto is don't talk about Jared Leto!

As per the court order, Spiro must sign on to the internet and personally announce to everyone in his cyber neighborhood that he's a convicted sex offender. (Exposing his "mouse" in public, or something like that.)

Hoisted by your own slung web!

Before you go could you please turn Jared Leto inside out?

I prefer my fodder marinated in spinal fluid, and charbroiled.

Wrong!! (about Heath Ledger's phenomenal, sensational, unparalleled realization of the Joker, as well as Jared Leto being unfairly criticized for ripping off Heath Ledger. So, essentially, you're entire comment!)

Tom Hanks.

Mmmm, no. I'd maybe marry Jared Leto. And then kill Jared Leto!

"Thunderbird: It gives you broken, deformed useless wings!"