Dān Jurzōn

I've been looking at it, intensely and relentlessly. The poutiness is relatively benign, unless you've got a wonky heart.

Oh fer fuck's sake, now you've gone and derailed the whole damn fight! Personally, I would have gone with Babylon 5's Capt. John Sheridan as played by the illustrious and luminous Bruce Boxleitner. Oh wait, of course you're gonna say you prefered Cmdr. Jeffrey Sinclair as played by the prematurely deceased Michael

Offend me? No, you've again projected your own mental pathology upon me. I'm not offended or even mildly perturbed. This is a stupid, terrible, shitty movie we're talking about and a well known colossal ass hat of an actor, as well, so I have no more emotional or psychological investment in this little bitch slap fest

My generic insults are Comical?! You are not amused, are you? No, you are not. Your seemingly civil and polite retort is positively dripping in passive aggressive sarcasm which, quite frankly, is a terribly self involved and tedious way to express oneself. For the sake of your own integrity—as well as whatever remains

I am personally and sincerely appreciative of the AV Club's perhaps seemingly gratuitous if not hypocritical posting of the allegedly offensive clip as I am an exceptionally well qualified judge of what may or may not be sexist representations in popular media. My extensive experience of impartially, totally

No, I reiterated that in your clearly delicate, volatile mental state you'd too easily confuse and distort my words, which you did. If you insist upon denying reality as you're so vigorously doing reality will sneak up on you with a merciless vengeance and smack you down mightily. Beware.

You feel like whatever you want to feel like, because that's how your whole argument has taken shape, based entirely upon your feelings and not the actual reality of the situation. I knew that you'd cling to your precious argument by twisting my words to suit your paranoid intentions, so I thought I'd avoid this whole

No, I edited out the paragraph before I saw your tedious response because I knew with your diminished cognitive capacity you'd too easily misunderstand it and my point would be lost to you, which is exactly what happened. Sadly, in your little world you need to believe the more sinister and treacherous scenario. The

I edited out the paragraph from my original comment about possibly sounding like Eric Trump's idiotic explanation of how Ivanka wouldn't allow herself to be sexually harassed before I knew that you had responded. Upon rereading my words it became apparent to me that my argument would be too easily misunderstood and

Sending a fellow actor a used condom is certainly on the darker end of the spectrum of human behavior, but actors engaging with one another in less than polite or socially acceptable ways—especially method actors—is nothing new. It's not part of most people's job descriptions to have to tolerate that sort of demented

No, no, it should be That massive asshole dickhead fuckface Illinois Joe Walsh is not me. More subtle.

And he does it by pwning, unsuccessfully, Ledger's portrayal. Leto's a dimwitted lightweight.

Feathers!! That's what that shit on his orange head is!

And pantsuits.

His dad was a monstrous pedophile and his mom a syphilitic whore, is what I'm imagining a lot of people are saying. Also: his wife is a retarded c*nt and his offspring are soulless robotic freaks. Fuck the whole shitty lot of 'em.
So, did I do this right?

When is Lemon of Troy not thinking about Andrew Garfield?!

Taylor Swift will always be single, at least in terms of brain cell count. Ewwwwwwww, squeezer to the dome!

Julia Roberts is so skinny you could blindfold Chinese people with her shadow. OOOOHHH!!!*

A life seemingly well lived with an admirable body of work to his credit is no small thing in this impossibly treacherous, wiley world. Truly sad news, and doubly so assuming, of course, he had no intentions of voting for Trump.
Poorly Timed Political Zinger!!

Well, whatever it was, thank you for eradicating it.