Dān Jurzōn

What is stuff you find outside of a monkey's cage, Alex?

Order in the court! Order in the court!
I'll have a Hamm on Anzari. And hold the pickle. Hold it between your knees.

I clicked on this article 'cause I thought it was about the candy, man.

I expect a massive planet-pulverizing sized meteor to be arriving here some time today. I ordered one on yesterday and they advertise guaranteed overnight delivery.

Cum on, you all were thinking it!

That was the most impressive display of two-fisted ball juggling I've ever witnessed, other than that time I attended a meeting of The Ambidextrous Testicle Fondlers Association. Did I say attended? Oh sorry, I meant to say organized.

Isn't it ironic that such a miserably narrow minded, emotionally primitive horde of rabid bigoted homophobes as the Juggalos would embrace a product named Faygo?… OK, that's a bit of a stretch, but still, Juggalos are dumb. And silly.

I think you're reading waaaaaay too much into that, girlfriend.

Yes, when he's cultivating mass.

I was entirely with you, utterly on board with your unassailable position, right up until your very last word. Unfortunately and tragically, it is a preposition upon which you've ended your humble if truthy declaration. And that's very much the sort of preposterously improper and outrageously oblivious error of

I have a theory: GJI! is a Serial Killer of AV Club readers' spirits. Murderous butcher of the soul…

Oh yes I have. Did you know that a few years ago the "It's a Small World" ride kept breaking down and getting stuck because people are so much fatter now than they were 20, 30, 40 years ago. And "Space Mountain" ran out of space!

You got pretty tired of these sketches, like most everyone else?! Where do you live, Dullardtown, USA?!!

You've got Pen on the brain.

Avoiding those trigger situations to which you respond with a cigarette. For me it was being in bars and clubs and social situations where a smoke was part of the ritual. It meant depriving myself of A LOT of social activities, at least until I got a firm handle on those overpowering obsessive/compulsive type

It's possible that a major catastrophic event, global in scale—perhaps a natural disaster, but more so a human created or instigated incident, such as a massive economic crash—could be a motivating cause acting as a lens to focus people's awareness on the more legitimate and appropriate issues which ought to be the

My brother is compulsively collecting electric guitars and now has something north of 20. I laugh every time he excitedly mentions a latest purchase or planned future acquisition because I actually share his love of all types, styles and forms of the instrument—even those silly Bich thrashers—but I own only two

I mostly agree with you except for the classic 3-tone sunburst, especially the 60's style with the more transparent lacquer over the dark grained alder body. Classy and snazzy when new, and wonderfully rich and iconic when worn in and marked with age.

The e got the ax.

*sniff, sniff* Wha?! Huh, uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Confirmation, sure, sure, yeah, sure. Hell yeah, lots of confirmation, lots of it, shit loads, man, shit loads. Mountains and mountains of confirmation, dude. Big white gleaming powdery piles of Peruvian confirmation, muthah fuckah! *sniff, sniff*