Dān Jurzōn

I never doubted for an instant that Prince could play basketball in 6 inch heels considering how spectacularly athletic he was in them on stage, like a goddamn Baryshnikov.

It did rain down on them to the oddly familiar sound of melodic, funky chuckles, though it was yellow rain, and not purple.

God friggin' damn, Prince was one all round bad ass purple mofo.

I was gonna ask haven't you seen Angels With Dirty Faces from 1938, but I think it's too easy to falsely perceive that film as a timeless morality tale—good vs. evil—rather than see it as the bold, graphic statement it is on the dangerously volatile nature of youth, particularly as expressed by lower class poor teen

No, I'm saying in my obsessively round about, rambling way that until the full—or at least a reasonably fuller—realization of just how critical and urgent is our predicament is appreciated by a much larger percentage of humanity—probably a majority—all the clever, well intentioned, hopeful efforts are doomed to fail,

You, uh, haven't read Hamlet, have you? Or The Odyssey?

Clever, but sad.

No, because we are rapidly annihilating our natural world—and thus ourselves—in small, personal sized increments where each seemingly innocent and insignificant common, everyday routine commercial transaction—buying, consuming and discarding stuff—is contributing in its accumulated, massive and significant totality to

I know, right?!

But saying untrue things is a sin. You're sinning, only you don't know it. Or at least you won't admit it. Sinner. Ha! No, seriously, just because YOU believe what you say to be true, and YOU believe what I'm saying is untrue doesn't give you license to preach false hope. That's probably more dangerous and

OK, who might that be? Who has devoted a lifetime of public service to improving the quality of life for the most needy and deserving of our citizenry? What individual has committed herself or himself unflinchingly to noble ideal that ALL PEOPLE DESERVE AN EQUAL SHOT? Who is this yet unidentified, possibly

The problems that have arisen since the Reagan/Thatcher revolution are no more or less critical or imperative than any others which have been afflicting Humanity since before the dawn of consciousness, only today we can clearly see the ultimate consequence—the morbid destination—if we care to.

You answered your own question. See, with just a little natural, organic thought you arrived at a genuine insight. Bravo! And also, God Help Us!

You put ONLY in its place. You disciplined ONLY. You made ONLY your bitch…

Your desperately hopeful, woefully naive perception of our current reality is a common condition afflicting a considerable majority of humanity and is proof of just how critically imperilled we all truly are. Your earnestly and passionately delivered prayer expresses nothing more than your perhaps vague and incomplete

No, no, it took infinity. By definition, each day a tenth of Rome is destroyed. On the first day a tenth of the mighty city state was savagely leveled. On the second day a tenth of what remained of the corrupt, depraved metropolis was leveled. On the third day again a tenth of what was still standing of the overly

Oh, she suffers. She suffers a lot!

Rome wasn't decimated in a day.

I can appreciate your hopeful, optimistic expectation of positive consequences emerging from Bernie's impressive and surprisingly popular run for the presidency, but the chances of things being changed for the better are today even slimmer than ever before. I like Bernie, he's a stand up guy, and I share most if not

A few hookers are killed at just about any convention. But for these political conventions they ship in dozens and dozens of back up hookers from all over the country—and the world—to cover the additional hooker losses attributable to overly enthusiastic delegate "Johns" boring the poor working girls to death with