Dān Jurzōn

Put a hat on the internet!

The Old South still does live and breathe within the intimate recesses of the tender souls of a certain number of those generationally afflicted individuals who are presently residing below the Mason/Dixon, it's just that it only seems to expose itself at the most awkward, inopportune moments, such as when they're

The Republican Leadership all acquiesced so pitifully to Trump's deranged, spastic occupation of the GOP because they've all been so thoroughly emasculated—even the females!!—by their utter corruption and slavish subservience to their Corporate (and Judeo/Christian) Masters. But if they manage to rally themselves in

And also convict and harshly sentence them for their heinous crimes against humanity!!! The revolution will not be literate.

Knoxville is a lovely town, and the people are generally decent and nice enough. It's the few conspicuous, high profile slackjawed cretinous dullards who throw off the curve.

The President of The United States of America has powers which are limited by the Constitutional provision of Checks and Balances which entrusts the Congress and the Supreme Court with the responsibility and power to overturn or rule unconstitutional the President's Executive Orders. And should a President prove to be

I spoze living in Knoxville is punishment enough for those poor, poor desperately stupid people.

And those WSJ cucks are even worse!

But, ultimately, even all facts and premises are but transitory illusions; diaphanous wisps of illusory ephemera…

Yes, and my therapists all say I'm doing much better, much better…

This what we're doing—what we've done—is not a fight, not in any practical sense. On the contrary, because the intrinsic isolation as well as the virtual separation afforded by this mode of communication in which we're presently engaged renders us incapable of imposing or inflicting or otherwise forcing our respective

God can haz cheezefigs?

If you stand back and objectively assess the entirety of Christian beliefs—the astoundingly irrational and fiercely anti intellectual, anti scientific, anti experiential, and anti common sense thrust of it all—it's practically splitting hairs to declare the WBC protestors unworthy of inclusion in your Exclusive Sacred

I heartily endorse humor as an effective weapon against blinding hatred, and I also endorse actually blinding them… with Love! Ahhhhhhhhh, no, no, I keed, I keed, I'd rather gouge out their near useless eyeballs with flaming arrows. Ha!

Sounds like a perfectly splendid evening. I'll just UBER a chariot or rickshaw over to your place.

That guy, he's worse than Hitler's dog's groomer!

And the thing is, man, nobody gives a fuck that nobody gives a fuck. See what I'm sayin', man?

CDs?! And do you also churn your own butter and ferment your own mead?

Yeah, and the worst part of that Chloe/Khloe beef was that it wasn't even a pict of Chloe's asshole that Khloe tweeted. Watta gip!

I could easily see those three asshole being juggled in an ever changing cycle of who's the top asshole.