Dān Jurzōn

I clicked the link and I found out, and now I am a happy, fulfilled and proud supporter of the Trump Vision for America, where all the best, most deserving of people are richly rewarded for not being losers, and all the losers are made to do all the horrible, tedious, filthy chores of the non losers. Join us, click

I feel that Stephen Colbert's most defining, convincing and resonant role of his preternaturally illustrious career was that which he played on the cataclysmically influential, industry annihilating comedically inclined program Stranger's With Candy, where he masterfully realized the not quite closeted high school

"Olivah, Aye vant to bee on zee TV, too!"

"I present to you, the future Ex Mrs. Donald Trump!!"

Aw, I thought if I clicked on that link I'd be RickRolled. Watta gip!

"…az eet eez wreet-en in zee lovely poem "Golden Vaterfall" bye zee noted Eeengleesh poet, I.P. Standing."

They actually made that exact accusation against Obama shortly after the attack, when the Fox clowns were watching the video of the President with his staff watching the attack on TV. One of the Fox idiots even said it looked like Obama was enjoying what he was seeing.

Man, those T-3000 models are almost indistinguishable from real people. Almost.

It was obviously cut with meth. And with Ronald Reagan's finely ground roasted and sacred bone meal. And with a pinch of Sarah Palin's dehydrated powdered skull paste.


Franklin was blue. Haven't you read his collection of pornographic limericks?

You didn't just connect the dots for me, you charred them onto my psyche with the fiery hot branding iron of truth!

The Priebus, the Priebus…

Yes, that's the non medical diagnosis.


I dunno. I think she actually is more than a bit mentally defective at this point, and that she doesn't even recognize her distortions, delusions, and blatant untruths as such. It seems to me that she's genuinely afflicted with some form of dementia; either a result of having endured Bill's astonishingly brazen

For Donald's entrance I woulda been kewl with them using G'N'R's "Welcome to the Jungle." It says exactly what's bubbling and percolating deep within Trump's overheated, malfunctioning mind, and also perfectly expresses what all the subservient, obsequious, ass licking Republican lackeys are now feeling, that they're

Aye-ee most enwoyed ze part dat she zed she wuz a space aye-lee-en, fruem ze Venus.

It's not that they don't care that they're lying, it's that they knowingly and purposely use blatant lying as a ploy, a tactic, a weapon to bludgeon their adversaries into complete and total submission. They use whatever works, and they know that being subjected to obvious untruths usually sends the more delicately

Rachel was actually the only one who had any substantial criticisms of Rudy's demented rant. Someone else was defending Rudy's fascist exclamation and Rachel kept interrupting him to assert her belief that it was a speech riddled with confused and long disproven facts and that Rudy was just reiterating the corny tired