Dān Jurzōn

You wish!!

I accept your challenge!!!

Ah, you've have caught me! I confess, I have made an anti-feminismally inflected quip. Oh, what a sad sorry fool am I; a miserably woebegotten scalawag…

The DIcks neeeeeeed the pussies and assholes!

So, if Trump/Pence are America's TP (toilet paper), does that make Hillary America's Tampon? See what I did there?!

So, is Pence an Asshole, or a Pussy?

The little guy, he's more of a Grootling.

All Groot, all Groot, all Groot!

Bob, I got a ba-a-d feeling on this one, alright… I mean, I got a bad feeling.

Hahaha, yep! That's right! Hysterical.

I normally don't comment upon these sorts of things, but Andrew Bird does look a bit like a bird; a hawk/parrot hybrid. A Hawkrot. Or a Parrawk.

Most Shitlords are doing good work in this world. There are the occasional slackers here and there, sure, but for you to denigrate the entire race of Shitlords with your carelessly hostile retort is simply unacceptable. Bad form.

Oh? I thought he left it on top of his locker and it's been sitting there all these years.

You criticize Arlo for being unnecessarily negative, yet the very first word of your own little nagging, whiny, tedious response is "no." Hypocrisy much? Ha! Ha HA!!

Yes, but George was always such a conniving devious degenerate turd, even in high school when he didn't return Jerry's library book. Such a craven depraved monster!

Ooga booga! A curse upon you and your gay little dragon!

As I'm pondering the nuanced and subtle intricacies and relevancies of your astute, eloquent comment—coincidentally as I'm watching the news reports of the horrific terrorist attack in Nice, France—I'm struck by the profound paradox posed by the notion of people being "free." Though I'm sure very few

Yes, exactly. The original philosophy of the show was simply "no hugs, no lessons," which is considerably less antisocial and ugly than the heartless, soulless monsters who are gratuitously mocking a mugging victim in that finale story. It's theoretically possible that the characters all grew that much more

That's a double duty reference right there. Doubly nice job!

As Jiminy is falling over in his chair she says "I'll see ya." Awesome!