Dān Jurzōn

What do your tastes have to do with what we're talkin' about?! *wink!*

He knows how to make a certain kind of movie. That's as far as I'm willing to go. No further. There's the line, right there. Nope, not gonna cross it… I'm staying put.

Yes, yes. How silly of me.

Like I said, I don't even like the goddamn movie. Ha!

Why couldn't that be a helmet?! EVERYTHING about the alien ship and technology was just as weirdly biomorphic, thanks to H.R. Giger's wonderful designs. The only reason you're resistant to that idea, perhaps, is because you allowed your conception of the alien universe to be contaminated by all the 2nd rate derivative

The dinosaurs are so lifelike in this one.

Loose. Before all hell breaks loose. Yor wellkum?;,

"Well, that's great. That's just fuckin' great, man. Now what the fuck are we supposed to do? We're in some real pretty shit now, man! That's it, man. Game over, man. What the fuck are we gonna do now?! What are we gonna do?!!"

Goddamn it, Drake's line is: "Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?" And she answers: "No. Have you?"

I haven't the slightest desire to speak with James Cameron. At him, perhaps, but with him? Certainly not!

Unfair to Los Lobos?! Those preposterously pompous poofsters could only dream of being blessed with even a fraction of Mr. Garfunkel's unmatched superhuman vocal gifts, his dulcet sweet angelic tones the envy of the entirety of the sad, sorry, wretched human race, the Dutch especially.

Yes, but not the Martha Stewart you're thinking of. I'm the Martha Stewart that did hard time in a federal penitentiary, so I'm not taking any shit from no snot nosed middle class suburban meth weenie, capiche? End scene.

Because vapid bullshit is about as sophisticated as you could be if you wanted the cretinous Bush supporters to actually comprehend what you were saying. Bush was and is a genuine moron and his equally dim witted followers needed things very simple.

To have not included a gay or lesbian character in this latest film would have been the height of hypocrisy. I always thought Star Trek was the gayest of all science fiction. Nyuck nyuck nyuck.

Looks like you had Los Lobos for dinner. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

Like he said, nobody. Eh, see what I did there?!

Yes, his plan is not flawed.

When you say nobody you're including yourself, right? Yes, yes, of course you are, you're no hypocrite. Yoink!

We only hurt the one's we love…

Art Garfunkel also has little good to say about Paul Simon, except maybe that he owes to Paul his entire career, his life, and his reason for existing. But other than that, nada.