Dān Jurzōn

That's right, they're mine, all mine! So you best keep your grubby nicotine stained mitts off of 'em, ya hear.

Colossal Head is awesome, and I play "Mas Y Mas" compulsively. It's pure uncut raw energy. And damn fine music, too.

Appropriating Che's image was already a long and tired tradition well before RAtM jumped on that bandwagon. The Myth of Che is a convenient and facile entry point for 2nd semester college Freshmen to explore radical ideologies and to express their politically directed, natural teen angst driven rebellious sentiments.

Better? No. But it's definitely a lot less, um, musical. Most Pop today is bland and boring, even the hip hop and rap. There's blips and bleeps, but it's mostly a steady hiss of monotonous noise…


Whoa, whoa, whoa… I like saying that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on there, Tonto. I kinda like the pod race in ep I.

That woods will be burned down by nü-metal fans.

You're preaching to the janitor!


This article is basically an apology for something that should never have happened, at least not while I was alive. Nü-metal was NEVER a thing, at least not as it was executed by Limp Biscuit; it was an anti-thing, a non event. Don't try to piss on my Corn Flakes and tell me it's Perrier… I dunno, I don't even care

Oh man, Christopher Walken is amazing in this. Chilling and mesmerizing.

The thing about a movie such as The Deer Hunter is that a considerable amount of its original appeal and power was a product of the way its unusual style and tone caught the unsuspecting viewer off guard—it's sudden shifts in intensity and pacing, as well as its ambiguous sympathies were relatively rare and special

But it's two entirely different films!… I think. Maybe they're the same film. I forget.

"Notice the dreamy effect of the late afternoon sunlight filtering through the dimpled, speckled panes of authentic old window glass. That hazy soft glow is from all the cocaine dust that was continually in the air on account of the shoot being an insanely massive snort fest."

Better than The Tree of Life? I know, I know, that's not a very high mark…

Grotesquely formidable.

What about Frontlash?!

Your brain is tattered and frayed by our hyperintense, overly stimulating, ADHD geared popular culture. You need to chillax and disconnect for a while, maybe 2 or 4 straight years. Then, and only then will Coppola's superior cinematic creation, The Conversation, reveal its quiet majestic beauty to you. I strongly urge

Thanks! I love the movie and am just totally amazed at the subtle shifts in mood and tone it takes me through on its Odyssey like voyage through the dark depths of the human psyche. In some ways it's more powerful and profound than Coppola's Apocalypse Now which deals with very similar themes of relative morality,