Dān Jurzōn

Your response is nearly entirely unrelated to my comment, it doesn't address my point directly or even obliquely. You're now just regurgitating tiresome, tedious incidental trivia. I think we're done here.

You're essentially citing a racist theory as a defense for your already shaky position. Good job.

Yes, yes, subway cars do often jump the tracks, mount the stairs, and then hurtle through the city streets until they find an elementary school and slam into it intentionally killing many, many children. I follow your logic, perfectly.

No, YOU are confusing the facts, but I realize that's only because the facts are so confusing, that is if you're not especially observant or concerned with reality. Violent crime rates including murder in the US had been relatively steady throughout most of its history, but then began to increase significantly in the

They also use tasers, pepper spray, night sticks, dogs, and one other weapon with which you, apparently, are not too familiar: their minds. Yes, that's right, most cops and law enforcement officers use their intellect and their wits and their instinct, first and most often. In fact, the odds are relatively low that a

And yet the death toll from MISUSED guns is going up every year. If only one in thirty thousand guns can extinguish 25 or 50 or 100 lives in a single evening then the relative threat to the public posed by guns is significantly greater than your simple, self satisfied statistic would indicate. And the issue isn't the

Or dressed in their furry costumes.

Maybe, maybe not. Different states have different age requirements to drive a car unaccompanied without restrictions. It's partly an accommodation to rural farm families where children under 16 regularly operate tractors and other farm vehicles. There's no Federally mandated minimum age for obtaining a license to

I could argue—if I were the sort to indulge in gaily fanciful yet morbidly grim hypothetical extravagances—that a cigarette is probably a much more effective means of securing one's own security than is a gun, primarily because offering a potential attacker a cigarette is sooooooo much more likely to result in a

The fact that everyone who owns and/or uses a gun isn't injured by that gun is no defense. Not everyone who smoked got cancer or emphysema or other related diseases, but because the risk of getting any of those diseases was significantly raised the cigarette manufacturers were also liable for general damages, because

If it was Ted Cruz who failed to be murdered, I'd consider allowing it. JK.

Sterile hookworms were going on shooting sprees?! Oh yes, I read about that.

But you can shoot the gun makers, right? Right?!!

I've already got the musky balls… Oh, musket balls. No, I gotta get some of those.

You don't think the gun manufacturers are lying to the public—and to themselves—about just how dangerous and easily misused their guns are? They don't let just anybody operate a bulldozer, but any illiterate, mentally wobbly clown can own an arsenal.

Well, I know there's Ben. Ben Gazzi. Fact, I believe dey wuz all named Gazzis on account uh dem being brothers.

Or in the minivan. If this minivan's a' rockin', don't come knockin'!

I'd love to pack their minivans with my angry white kid, if you catch my drift.

A cigarette when used according to design was found to be negligently dangerous and so the manufacturers were liable for damages, and a properly functioning gun when used according to design is just as dangerous. More dangerous. There's absolutely no logical, rational defense of our gun laws—or lack thereof—and the

I done saw that there Miss Kim Davis starring in a simply fabulous production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf at the Podunk County Shit Kicker Opera House & Feed Store back in '09, and lemme tell ya, she really brought that audience to it's feet. Of course, the audience was quickly brought to it's feet so as we all