Dān Jurzōn

I'm not talking down to those disadvantaged, disillusioned, poor, angry people. I'm really not even talking to them, at all. Since this media focused publication, The AV Club, is, ostensibly, a place of relatively more abstract or even theoretical discourse—how else can you describe a debate over the cultural value of

Well, the practical restriction which constrain Britain from achieving actual isolation are substantial so, no, Britain will not be a wall-in defensive state, of course not. But it's the impulse to retreat into itself which has been expressed by this vote, that's undeniable. That inherent human instinct for self

There's some major cognitive dissonance occurring with the Brexit and Trump supporters in that their mentality is anything but logical or rational and, in fact, is probably self destructive, and to my way of thinking that qualifies as a form of stupidity.

Would that be the Big Brexit, or the Continental Brexit?

The only thing that I find, um, curious, about Wikipedia is the absurdly in depth and lengthy entries dealing with more recent technologies, especially anything having to do with computers, the internet, telecommunications, video entertainments and devices, and related subjects. I mean, you can get each and every

When I was 14 my then 25 year old sister-in-law took me and a friend to see 2001 at a large screen theater special showing and, just like she said it would, it totally blew my mind. KAPOW!

Oddly disgustingly delicious analogy!

That line is doubly resonant considering that it's precisely the reason that 5 years later LBJ refused to end the insanity of the Vietnam War; he didn't want to go down in history as the 1st US President to be credited with losing a war. Nixon eventually ended it 7 years later, and if it wasn't for his Watergate

A bunch of morons in key positions is too unbelievable, you say? I have two words for you: George W. Bush. OK, that's two words and a letter (and a period!), but I think I made my point, which happens to be as sharp as the one atop that preposterous buffoon's vacuous skull. A complete, total, utter ignoramus of

Shame. That would have been awesome, maybe even more outrageous than the ending of Blazing Saddles when they don't just break the sacred 4th wall but also bust down the studio walls and pour onto Hollywood streets.

I always felt it was all underpinned by a very snide and sarcastic irony, that while reveling in the exquisitely rendered tableaux Kubrick was also mocking all the elaborate material excesses and overly mannered behaviors. The melancholia, for me, gave way to a certain sly identification with current absurd social

I think THAT is the difference for Kubrick films, you absolutely must see and experience them on the biggest screen possible, especially 2001. On the TV they lose so much of their power and magic. Even Paths of Glory, Spartacus and, yes, Lolita are utterly diminished on the tiny screen.

Yes, I know this for a fact. The ones that zap you with their Venutian Zap Ray Guns, at least.

We had 'em in South Jersey, too.

There was an old original White Tower in Collingswood, NJ on Rt. 130 that served classic roadstop style hamburgers, meaning they were very sloppy, dripping in hot fatty greasy oil drenched in ketchup on a plain white bread bun, and they were delicious. When I used to go there in the 90's and 00's it was called Roney's

It was a group of people who are actually more so friends of a friend, and they were more so, um, average people, not quite as artsy and eclectic as my circle of friends tend to be. The women there didn't unanimously dislike Kubrick films, but they definitely didn't enjoy them anywhere near as passionately as the guys

Awesome! I salute you and your superlative, unflinchingly worthwhile taste in cinematic diversions. Brava! But, alas, you cannot be part of that little social circle because that coterie of coarse, uncultured hussies would surely disembowel you with nary a batted eye. They're basically roller Derby Queens but with

Just the other evening I was chatting about films with some friends and other folks who all seemed to pretty much share similar tastes in movies and such entertainments, and so it was odd to hear the females almost unanimously declaring that they didn't enjoy Kubrick movies, at least not as enthusiastically as all the

I think we might actually be agreeing as to the severity of the crisis we're presently facing—this certainly is a depraved and silly culture we enjoy in the "free world," and we're definitely heading for some grim times if the looming environmental catastrophes cannot be averted—but I think our difference lies in our

You're entitled! The fact that you're so casually, cavalierly chatting on this Interweb spewing forth your craven philosophy of Us vs. Them is proof of what an entitled—and warped—sense of reality you enjoy. This very modest and seemingly innocuous act of instantaneous anonymous communication is perhaps the most