Dān Jurzōn

Willkommen und Dankeschön, Mein Führer O'Neal!

Heard echoing within trendy coffee and tea shops throughout Hipsterdom: "But what of scones? What of scones?!!!"

Yeah, but London banks are on the verge of massive collapses which will only adversely affect the rest of the world severely, and this isolationist move will likely precipitate the collapses, so it's gonna be a much more horrible catastrophe lasting for a miserably long time before we can glimpse the silver lining, if

And those independent, strong willed, and often miserably poor Red States also tend to have the highest rates of incarcerated people with mental illnesses and drug addictions. Rather than treating those afflicted suffering people in mental health facilities or with outpatient services, they end up temporarily but

It's such a strange and tortured thing to be arguing for Global Unity, because it's actually Global Unity—or at least a partial and fragmented version of it in the form of economic globalization and instantaneous global communication—which has helped to precipitate this crisis. And the fear and paranoia elicited by

That is a very fair and accurate point. England has a long and ugly history of Imperial arrogance, considering themselves separate and above the European riff raff, as well as the entire planet's riff raff. It's nothing new, and it's what's been driving the British economy for the past 8 or 10 years - sheer and utter

How many Cockney shitheads are there versus American ignoramuses? It's a matter of proportion and shear numbers. Every population has it's dimwits, but the US is, well, brimming with 'em. And besides, that Cockney shithead has probably travelled to more foreign countries and knows more foreign people than 85% or more

Monsters luv to get their news from over excited and hyper aggressive cartoony monsters, just like Conservatives! #FoxNews

I appreciate the sentiment motivating your comment—that it seems as though the US is the most frequent and worst offender of making shitty decisions with global impact, if not the only one—however your words reveal a certain all too common condition afflicting the vast majority of the population of the US of A. There

Well, see, it's like a major conspiracy, man, between the NRA and, uh, Pro Lifers, right, otherwise known as, um, The Ultra Secret Plan To Hijack the, um, The Republican Presidential Candidate Nomination, um… Thing, because, uhhh, like, Cosmic Space Babies are, um… uh… Proud & Patriotic Assault Weapon Owners…! Wha?… …

Macho Camacho in '16, or GTGDFO!

Yeah, those clowns in clown college sure are a bunch of clowns.

Um, yeah, that would make me really angry, so angry it would feel like my face was burning off. Or at least half my face! Oh brother, am I killing it, or what?!…

College voters are the worst!

Hey there, hear me, you stupid chump,
Something something that fuckwad Trump

Harvey Dent would be great as President because he could so easily talk out of both sides of his face, at the same time. Har dee har har…

Now what if those drone strikes involved sprinkling Cheetos dust on those poor snack deprived bastards? Eh?!

Well yeah, that is a good point.

Wendy's burger meat is better quality, no question, but for simple taste pleasure the humble little Burger King single burger with pickles, ketchup and just a spot of mustard is my favorite. The meat to bun ratio is perfect and the phony charcoal flavoring is just the right accent. Muah! In 'n' Out burgers are by far

Well, my right arm is already numb from…, um, exercising.