Dān Jurzōn

Oy vey, I just plotzed.

Ah rabbit, the snooty uptown cousin of squirrel.

The Turbo Anal Intruder® really should come with better instructions.

I brand that comment synergistic!

The Republic of Ireland is not Europe!

I dunno. I think your "end" would be more likely to be "offed" by a missile than by a bullet, just from a simple momentum standpoint.

The humanity! My Dad always told me to go Air Force if I were ever foolish enough to enlist. He said the Navy eats better, at least the enlisted folks do, but Air Force is the country club of the military.

They are when they explode from colic.

Uh, not quite the same thing that @Power Girl (nee Anti-Monitor) is talking about, but an adorable answer none the less. Thanks for playing along at home. ; p

"Lobbed" is an idiomatic term, an intentionally curious and perhaps humorous usage of a word or phrase to indicate a certain level of understatement, or sarcasm, and/or derision, aimed a subject deserving of the mocking sentiment, in this case the entirety of the US Armed Forces institution as well as all of its mind

Trendy Hipsters and similarly self fascinated folks love to be coddled and reminded, endlessly, of their superior, um, predilections. I coulda said preferences, or even just tastes, but the contemporary consumer is such a total and complete narcissistic tool. Yeuch. I mean yeuch to contemporary consumers, not the

And a domestic engineer used to be House Slave. Go figure…

Ya know, of all the horrifically obscene and treacherous crimes Western civilization is so regularly prone to commit this honestly seems like one of the lesser ones. It actually sounds quite appetizing, in a weird and probably stoned way.

Holy Shitsnacks! Literally.

That's true, but the vast majority of the consumers of their music were not enjoying it in discotheques, or danceterias. They were head bobbing and spastically thrusting their cumbersome torsos along to the tunes in solitary, probably while listening on their nifty Sony Walkmans. Ha.

I know, right? Neeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrds!

Why do White people enjoy such rhythmically deficient, unnaturally spastic and profoundly awkward music?! Seriously, White people, wtf? Don't answer that, I already know the answer: hyper repressed Anglo Saxon Protestant heritage and it's miserably tedious custom of denigrating anything and everything considered even

Unless that demotion involved a move to a nicer neighborhood with better, less snooty neighbors and more special attention!

Life is change. Your child would be well served to learn this lesson early and learn it well. Also, retail is for schmucks.

Absolutely. Just thinking about all those cold, barren, lifeless rocks tumbling about in the merciless vacuum of space, I just jizzed myself. Sorry, that was unnecessarily crude. I meant to say I popped a massive diminutive stoner.