Dān Jurzōn

If you really wanna stick it to the Cabal of Cable Bastards you can torrent it. It's how all us less-than-principled lowly vermin acquire the overpriced products which Hollywood so deviously, so treacherously doles out to the desperately addicted and demented masses. Semper Liber!

And nude!

I must declare that I absolutely detest slavish imitation of any form, even that from over excited teen boys with their miserably diminished creative impulses, robotically mimicking the objects of their obsessive desires like barely sentient chimpanzees. And then for them to be regaled with passionate praise from

TBS. It's a cable TV channel, and it should be relatively easy for you to locate using the channel listing supplied by your cable TV service provider or possibly using the electronic guide available to cable TV viewers who possess the rudimentary capability of pressing the "Guide" button and then—don't let this part

It a clever, witty, and delightfully demented bit of televised diversion, so sayeth me. Rhys Darby never fails to utterly slay me, he consistently leaves me, um, wrecked. Bazzinga! No, seriously, this is a funny show. Seriously.

You could at least feel good for me getting to enjoy at least 3 more seasons of the most refreshingly demented show on TV, ever, excluding, of course, that otherwise unattainable pinnacle of premium and preeminent comedic creativity, that blazingly brilliant broadcast astral body of such majestic, angelic, and demonic

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can only take another 3 or 6 or 12 more seasons of that. Sploosh!

Holy Shitsnacks, you said it!


*gaily spins and tosses Baccarat crystal Scotch decanter into the air!*

*watches in wonder and just a tinge of horror as childrens' faces melt exposing their naked skulls with their popping eyeballs and their grotesque but somehow cute missing tooth sinister grins*

Ehem, not to be that guy, *awkwardly pushes specs up bridge of nose with a stiff and self righteous middle finger* but the Alien in the film franchise of the same same did not impregnate the host's face, but rather made aggressive use of the face—in particular the oral cavity and the ensuing esophageal passageway—as a

Akron?! That's in Russia.

Well, your misconception is your reality. You realize, don't you, that you're perfectly demonstrating the phenomenon I described, a person misconstrues or distorts reality and become defensive and even hostile when confronted with the uncomfortable, possibly disturbing fact. I said exactly what I said and you called

No, your entire rant was based upon your reading of my comment as declaring that mental illness = creativity. That's precisely what you stated as being my contention and is the position which you then attacked. What I actually wrote is that many exceptionally gifted artists were afflicted with mental illness—more

Being mentally ill or emotionally disturbed doesn't automatically MAKE you very creative, it just happens to be a condition that is perhaps more prevalent among exceptionally creative people than you might realize, or care to. Read my words more carefully and with more comprehension, please. I'm speaking about the

I saw and thought, "Oh shit, a 10,000 word thinkpiece on some slightly peculiar cultural oddity which overeducated sexually repressed White people can both smugly smirk at and intimately relate to, simultaneously, is what I thought…

It's casually interesting to read those sorts of statistical analyses, but there's a very huge tendency for people to then allow those statistical anomalies—some being relatively insignificant in the context of a human life, considered in its totality—to form from those few and minor distinctions overly simplistic

I mounted a graduate student named Mary! Or maybe it was Marty? Eh, it's all good.

I have a soccer goal over my wastebasket, because Futbal!!!