
I remember them advertising how easy it was to convert assets, and how they wanted a similar experience but they never claimed 1:1. Even the switch has to tone down performance on the go.

It’s never really bothered me as i’m no more able to relate to random male protrag then the myriad assortment of fantasy races, aliens, etc that games have had us play as over the decades.

The land belongs to the US.  the people are free to frak off though.

I’m all over MHW:I myself. I love the BL series, but I’m not afraid of spoilers for the series and rarely do more than one playthrough so i’m going to just sit on that one till a price drop. 

I remember way back in the day Tomb Raider was supposed to star a Latina woman but it was changed to British as they couldn’t find a Latina voice actress for her.

Gotta get them clicks.  shiat like this is how we ended up with Trump the first go around.

So long as the justice system is imperfect and innocents can be convicted the death penalty should be abolished.  

Ah yes the old racist justification for the N word as ‘just like saying white trash except for black people’ which ignores all historical context.

That’s very possible. It’s been a while since I read anything about it.

I think part of it is most videogame (and movie) archery is based more off movies and modern sport archery then the techniques actually used in warfare.

It’s called projection, it’s a very common GOP tactic.

Not surprising. The Police are above the law in this nation and rarely face justice.

It’s not an issue of white people, it’s an issue of cult like behavior that the GOP has trained people to accept for decades.

The way trademarks work is you have to challenge or you risk losing the trademark.

They play at a tiny stadium in germantown. Only real metro access is to take the MARC to germantown, or take a bus from shady grove.

Western devs can depict whatever they so please.  They just won’t be able to sell that game as is in China. 

It’s called professional porn versus the ‘amateur’ stuff. Anything marked amateur that isn’t a home movie is probably shady as hell.

Except that doesn’t work as an analogy because Steam and Epic are storefronts, not different platforms.

You can’t negiotiate with the GOP, it’s a personalty cult who doesn’t deal with fact or logic. You have to treat them like you would terrorists or hostage takers.

It’s far better then StN though and more than just that one game. It’s like a greatest hits of all his castlevania games rolled into one, with a fresh coat of paint.