
What, is $750 per child a day not enough? We could put them in five star hotels for less money ten that, where the hell is it all going if not to basic care?

CotM is considered a non canon spinoff, not a prequel.

The models look good, it’s just nonsensical for the time period. I still LOL at the super sexy ‘nun’ who seems built to sell figures more then to actually fit in with the world.

You can type in a cheat to unlock them at the start.  Brutal doesn’t begin to describe nightmare.

It’s also Iga’s first taste of UE4, as well as having to start from scratch in terms of tools.

I don’t see anything but a swamp in that picture, what’s your point?

Depends on the game.  I own like 40+ of them and many run just fine.  Some of the later ports were off, but by that time the writing was on the wall and I get the feeling the publishers just didn’t care anymore. 

One of the few GB games I had the pleasure of owning before my console was stolen out of the back of my parents car one day.

Generally when you lay people off you just fire them, especially in this industry.

Many were original though, and played quite well compared to many games of the day. They just were not 1:1, something even switch games are not. No switch game, outside indies, will ever match looks and performance to a ps4 or xb1 game. The very nature of the console means compromises will have to be made.

You do also realize it’s called ‘psvita’ right? it never went by psp 2, even pre release it was called ‘NGP’

You do realize you just used the same excuses to bash it the entire thread is about right?

Not until the main support from devs was killed at least.  A lot of later niche games and indies were rather highly rated. 

And I find a lot of those borderline unplayable on an HDTV due to the lag.  Fine on my PC though as my monitor has a much faster response time. 

No way, the 540 oled of a launch vita is the best screen on a handheld i’d ever seen. Bright colors and deep blacks it’s a joy.

The vita had true analog sticks, better battery life than a switch, the shoulder buttons were not really a concern in the long run, etc. The memory card thing was the only major downside and somethign it was rightly cirticised for.

For a good bit of time all the switch had was ports and cross gen titles though. They just were not counted as a negative like they were on vita. Vita was not allowed to have ports, indies or anything other than exclusives in the fanboys eyes.

I don’t remember many comparisons to nintendo platforms outside select games, most of the time they compared them to their ps2 or ps3 main series entries, and blasted the portable versions for the downgrades.

Given i’m at work I really can’t hunt down quotes form reviews at the moment, but frame rate / resolution (as well as asset quality in general) is something often downgraded in switch games, but rarely results in the same knock against it as it did with psp or vita games. You also don’t see the very existence of the

It’s better then UC 1, but not as good as UC 2 or 3.  The biggest mark against it was the forced minigames.  Outside that it’s very well made, had an interesting story, and felt very uncharted.  Also the best shooting controls in the series.