
Jentrification: That was exactly the South’s BS argument, though - that Union factory workers & immigrants had crappy jobs too, just like slaves. The difference: an Irish immigrant who hated their job could walk off and quit. Legally. Without being hunted down like a criminal. Not a small difference.

In response to whoever inevitably complains that they still haven’t seen a box they won’t be able to buy until November: have some perspective. The PS5 simply is not the most important thing in the world right now.

False reports of sexual assault are pretty rare in the regular world, but they aren’t particularly rare in politics—there’s such an obvious incentive to falsify claims in politics that just doesn’t really exist outside of it. Pete Buttigieg was hit with a fake rape claim last year. At least one of the allegations

Jez writers seem to be overwhelmingly pro-Bernie, and probably believe that if Reade's allegations force Biden out of the race, it will allow Bernie to ride in on a white steed to take over the nomination. 🙄🙄🙄

A pattern of grifting is a pattern of grifting. And it taints anything else you do from that point on. This isn’t Monica Lewinski. This woman was writing articles swooning over Putin just last year. There’s all kinds of red flags here. She has a pattern, Biden doesn’t. Guess which one looks more suspect here?

I don’t know. We seem to be bending over backwards to find reasons why we should believe Tara Reade. Mostly centered on “believe women,” a concept I support. And I know that there’s a lot about how “real victims” behave and how damaging that is—so we shouldn’t factor in her character, which is that she’s a lifelong

Yo Kitana got cute as hell

When this all broke, I wondered what Reade’s endgame was. What was she trying to accomplish? Well, she made that abundantly clear last night - her goal is to force Joe out of the race.

Only after the fact and when confronted with it and in a way that contradicted numerous other things she said.  But I know it is common for victims and all contemporaneous witnesses to change their story multiple times.

Her next appearance will be on Maury, I’m sure.

I don’t know if she’s telling the truth or not, but can we stop pretending polygraph tests are anything but bullshit? They certainly aren’t “lie detectors.” 

This is like the stupidest argument of all time. Biden needs to open up his records so he can be Assange-d based on a complaint by Tara Reade where she claims she made a report she was asked to serve drinks because Biden liked her legs. And that was after being confronted with evidence she previously told the AP that

The saddest part of this is that these are well-meaning people... who are also so arrogant and egotistical that they can be easily herded by Russian and right-wing trolls.

But none of these factors seemed to matter to Democratic Party operatives and a wide swath of the party’s voters,”

You make it sound like a conspiracy that people voted for him. People voted for him; that is it. That is all of it

Other than him choosing to step down, nothing is changing that.


because they are under seal until after Biden exits public life in accordance with a secret agreement between Biden’s camp and UD.

And once again, Esther’s daily attempt to kneecap Joe Biden and help Trump get re-elected.

...a wide swath of the party’s voters, who have despite all evidence of his unsuitability anointed Biden as the man to defeat Donald Trump in November.”

Maybe some voters could have showed up and voted for Sanders during the primary. If you want a specific candidate, you have to participate. Instead... people who

You young progressives lack my generation’s sense of history, but the tactics behind these attacks on Joe are perfectly familiar to us revolutionaries of the 1960s and 70s.

(like that she “changed her story,” when she really didn’t)