You have to judge vita games though the lens of being portable titles, in which case they were of a pretty high quality in many cases, just like the PSP before them.
You have to judge vita games though the lens of being portable titles, in which case they were of a pretty high quality in many cases, just like the PSP before them.
Even they design combat with the lag in mind. You can’t demand single frame actions like you could in the SNES era because it just doesn’t work.
That rather a straw man argument since there is no indie game to compare it’s reception to.
I didn’t say it was th eonly reason, but it was a major reason so many games were docked score wise, which didn’t help impressions. The PSP had the same issue years before.
Actually it was known as the sony/psp/vita tax. Any game from a franchise that was also on console, even if not the same game, was docked points for not being the exact same quality.
Legit had this happen with my mother back in my highschool days. She was demanding to know what Sinfest was and why I was visiting it on the family PC.
I do so miss the sharp controlling games of yesterday. CRTs, for all their faults were fantastic in terms of response times and games made good use of that.
Wasn’t the ‘doesn’t run as high a resolution / look as good” a huge reason PSP/Vita games were knocked score wise? It’s always been interesting that that argument went out the window the second the switch was announced.
Also the reason all my lady MMO characters have short hair. Armor love to clip with longer hair, and that’s something devs still have not really figured out.
I still need to finish BotW. I hated the weapon system and lack of enemy variety, not to mention the lack of traditional dungeons. Ditto for the ‘expand inventory by finding completly random hidden things’ system.
I think it’s a ‘death by a thousand cuts’ thing. Combined with the blatant stereotypes folks previewing the game have called out and their history of anti-trans messaging (purposeful or not) folks assumed the worse.
I think Trump proved gaffs don’t matter. Or scandals, decorum, etc.
Eh, I don’t think anyone actually cares about primary debates. He’ll get the nom if he can get more democratic voters to vote for him in the primaries.
Man, the facebook post from The royals is total bot city right now with folks praising trump and his wife. A few screwed up and used obviously foreign profiles claiming to be ‘American’
I remember the fanboys screaming about how Ouya would destroy sony and MS by the power of open source.
Yep, Destiny made heavy use of those features in many maps, ditto for long hallways and ‘ships flying around’ screens.
I’ve had a SSHD in my ps4 since bloodborne released, and it’s done wonders let me tell you. Still, since devs work aroudn the stock speeds it’s not as great an effect as i’d have liked.
Some ps3 games lacked load times entirely, like Jak and Daxter. Though they did hide alot behind long animations when you earned powercells.
It was a rant about load times being just hype. Which, to anyone who understands design, is a BS rant.
load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in. Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed.