
Because you’re asking a very different thing when you say ‘give up your bonus.’ That’s a zero sum game: in order for you to get ahead, someone else has to lose.

He’s also extraordinarily Islamophobic. Basically agrees with the extreme right-wing that it’s a “religion of violence.”

Fuck Bill Maher, how’s that for PC, bud? Pardon, I’m going to go tweet him for being an unrelenting dickshit.

Start with Bill Maher who thinks that the reason that we lost the election is because liberals are too politically correct. Note that white straight men are never subjected to hate speech, so how the hell should he know about the shit that the rest of us go through?

Then you need to live in the snobby ass part of the town.

I don’t find the trailer an eyesore. The country is at odds with each other because people like you feel the need to push your idea of what a “decent human” is onto other people. Laws and property rights were created for people just like you. This trailer isn’t hurting anyone, it isn’t causing a decrease in

It’s his trailer. At his house. Both of which he either pays to own or use. Why should he have to pay to store it some place else, when it’s probably orders of magnitude easier and cheaper to do so at his house? Just because his WASP-y neighbors get the vapors from looking at it? Get outta here.

If these neighbors were smart, they’d take these pics and put them on io9.

Let’s stop using “alt-right” and call them what they are...

Not sure about that. Given how divisive Trump is and his low favorability ratings, there’s a chance to knock him off. It all depends on how he performs as President, which is likely to be poor.

Dont say that, he wont make it to a second term

your think we were living in the Middle East

You’re maybe preaching to the wrong group. Anyone reading Jezebel who is old enough to have a history of participating in general elections has almost certainly been voting in favor of education (trolls excepted).

My genuine hope is that the legislative branch takes over the majority of the governing. Yes, I realize the GOP controls both houses, but their collective idiocy is better than...whatever Trump’s doing.

“This buffoon is going to be the puppet of Kusher, Pence, Bannon and Preibus.”

He is no one’s president. Title or not, he will at best be a cardboard cutout of a president that yells and tweets.

Pence couldn’t get his paperwork together in a timely manner like a lazy high schooler. Paperwork that is helping him prepare for the White House.

Whenever anyone brought up a real problem with her as a candidate, some idiot shouted “sexist!” like a right-winger shouting “libtard!”

It always is. But you’re doing god’s work. Always remember that you bring value to your community!

Well said!