
Fuck Hillary supporters who said “Nah, they aren’t tilting this thing towards Hillary” even though the DNC head WAS a former Clinton Co-Chair? Fuck them for nominating a Female George Bush that got caught in lie, after lie, after lie and instead of owning up, decided to blame Russia and bemoan that Trump said mean

I guess I don’t understand his platform that well, but I thought he took votes more from the Repubs than from Dems?

You realize that everyone on Deadspin save one is voting for Hillary right?

Is Chapstick like nasal spray in that the more you use it the more you need it?

God, nobody around here seems to know what shade is.

I’m assuming Harper Lee didn’t live a lavish, shopping and cocaine-filled lifestyle the way Lilo does.

I’m going to sound like one of those feminists without a sense of humor in 3, 2, 1....

I don’t think this is about that. You don’t get into screaming matches in front of the kids and end up shoving one, however accidental it may have been, because you’re smoking too much pot.

Too true - but it is a bit too much to expect anyone to completely change. And she had children (with and without him) before they married. It just seems ridiculous to find it THE problem now.

I don’t care how petty it is, I am here for Chyna dragging Wendy Williams.

He hasn’t escaped it yet. This is a pretty typical path for the prosecution to take in corruption trials; convict the cronies and use the promise of reduced sentences to get them to roll on their boss.

I can’t believe he gets to escape this without being prosecuted or at least impeached. He’s such a scumbag.

Agree with you, although I’m not sure what Clinton has to lose here to put out a statement in support of the protesters.

Clinton’s too. Radio silence.

I have to agree with this. I am an Obama fan but his silence on this has been shameful.

I am so profoundly disappointed in Obama’s cowardly response to this outrage. He could halt construction while the Army Corp of Engineers completes its study on rerouting the pipeline. But that would put the government on the side of citizens over oil, and that’s a dangerous precedent, apparently! Total CHICKEN-SHIT.

Jeez. This Marsh guy isn’t making himself look any better. Or professional at all, frankly. She wants to look self-important? People are lazy and cost me money for pointing out offensive material? Oh boo hoo.

“This one tells us that kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome and bestiality are all just fine, as long as the girl finds love in the end.”

no shit? where did i say i feel sorry for him? i don’t see any issue in him getting help for the sex addiction and being punished for the crime he committed

Goddammit, lock that shit up in a gun safe and the bullets some place else.