
You have been my favorite Jezebel writer pretty much since you arrived, but I have to say that I’m disappointed in the disingenuous character assassination you’re waging against Jill Stein. Continuing to perpetuate the falsehood that she’s anti-vax when she has clarified multiple times that she is 100% not and was

They also found a piece of a plane windshield that matched the design of her aircraft and a shoe in her size and a brand she was known to wear.

It is still ridiculously FUCKED UP and if I choose to act like it isn’t that just makes me a dumbass, honestly.


Christian fundamentalist terrorism.

I’m guessing the principal of this school is an idiot, that’s why.

The fact that Tyrone Tappler is alive is proof that there is no god. If there were some sort of benevolent omnipotent being, he or she or it would have hit that guy with a lightning bolt by now. The very thought of putting this sort of event together is absolutely evil.

It’s worked before:

Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?

Handy for everyone that he’s announced to the world he’s unfuckable.

Who the fuck is Shameik Moore and who’s his future wife?

Did it take anyone else a minute to get the Taylor Swift costume joke? I kept staring at it like, “Okay, I see Beyoncé and Rihanna and the baby is Prince but where is Taylor?”

Tangential, but I just wanted to share that my Halloween-hating mother who never let my siblings and I dress up and go trick-or-treating as kids (super conservative Christian thing) just got dressed up as a cowgirl and is on her way to a Halloween party. She’s doing so grudgingly, but still, progress!

I feel like this and lots of other takes on the skit are missing the point. Lots of discussion about the silliness, but no talk of the actual punchline...

The FBI has to investigate new information and notify that they are doing so. The statement was a couple lines, the majority of the pages was just honorifics of the letter’s recipiants. The Republicans amplify this basic procedure to get all hot and bothered.

Something was done. Charges were brought. Pleas were entered. A trial was held. A jury rendered a verdict. A bunch of people wondered what the hell the jury was thinking.

How about make a statement that walks her talk on caring about Indian affairs rather than this mealy mouth statement through a surrogate that lists the native people affected by this issue LAST! It’s clear where her priority is — the oil industry and frackers!

Hope everyone is ready for 4 years of this mind-numbing Clintonian fatuousness.

You know, I went and looked it up!

I must say I’m starting to have some doubts about this Trump gentleman. I initially quite liked his idea to make America great again; I was lucky enough to visit the country recently and I rated it only “very good” rather than “great” (I knocked a mark off because the hotel kept forgetting to change our towels and