As an outsider, watching from afar and finding violence abhorrent...
As an outsider, watching from afar and finding violence abhorrent...
This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck…
Keep telling yourself that.
I get that the left is entirely unprepared for it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not going to happen anyway.
Trump will have a heart attack and die in January, Pence will have a stroke and die in February, Ryan will be diagnosed with cancer and step down in March, and Bannon will die in a car accident in April. Various other horrible people will meet their ends through various natural causes and accidents.
She hasn’t been the sane one EVER. See: comments on rape. Also: every damn word she said throughout the campaign, because the word salad, talking around circles and dropping the snide to get away from being called out is her thing. KAC is the walking equivalent of what Radio Rwanda was doing pre-genocide, and that…
“He has over 25 million followers on Facebook and Twitter and it’s a great way for him to take his message directly to people, cut through the noise or the silence, whatever the case may be,” Conway replied. “Sometimes he’s just trying to cut through the nonsense of people telling Americans what’s important to them,…
This is not “crying wolf.” I understand what you’re getting at in terms of relative harms, but thinking along these lines and then telling people they can only call out the worst possible offensive behavior is a problem.
Treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed is an unacceptable and pernicious trend that needs to be called out.
Why don’t assholes like the Kochs and Trump ever get something really ugly and terminal? Surely all that spray-tan and hair spray must have SOME negative effect on Trumplstiltskin? (Unless it’s the mad-cow. Could be the mad-cow...)
I’m starting to feel like 2016 is like the end of The Return of the King where all the cool people are getting on a boat and heading for somewhere better, leaving the rest of us with the judgemental assholes of the Shire.
She’s squinting to make Hiro Cheeto look bearable. promoted via telling people it existed and was terrible, and then you watched it AND then wrote a recap. Somehow I don’t believe you mean this :
I was hoping it would go trial so that he would lie under oath (he really can’t help it) then he would be in impeachment territory.
There are ways to handle kids, and it’s not losing your shit and screaming (not to mention the racial invective). I work with inner city kids and adults at a library, and a firm quiet tone works a lot better for the very few miscreants.
this woman is horrendous but it’s not fair to generalize one racist to all young teachers. Teachers who go in knowing they won;t be paid much. who spend an average of $500 a year of their own money for their classroom. Obviously, there are some awful teachers but generalizing isn’t fair to the tens of thousands of…
I know people on FB are going to say that those kids were being disrespectful and not behaving but I am sorry, if it is that bad for you then you walk out.
You don’t make the situation worse by screaming racial slurs and threatening them!
If you can’t handle a situation then you freaking leave. And the fact that she…
Fuck this woman, this shit is horrific. Why the fuck do you go into teaching when you hate the kids that you’re teaching?!?
This. Pretty sure swastikas came and went about 70 years ago, that’s not hip.