Tangent Man - Able to make huge leaps of logic with a single bound
Tangent Man - Able to make huge leaps of logic with a single bound
So many leaps of logic equaling fails in this post. Bernie Sanders was undermined at every point, even to the DNC placing fake stories about him. He was denied equal time at the debates (and poor Martin O’Malley only got a couple of minutes!) and Hillary Clinton was handed the debate question about the Death Penalty,…
Also, too, by calling Trump supporters a “basket of deplorables” she sure turned out HIS base!
I would also add that the DNC alienated half her base and then made no real attempt to win them back other than to harass, shame, coerce, shame, threaten, and shame them.
North Carolina is wonderful. I encourage you to come here. You’d have to work in the rural areas though. I have just moved to Fuquay Varina, a small town 15 minutes outside of Raleigh. It is like a whole different world. I’m having trouble adjusting honestly. I am glad Raleigh is so close. This is harder than I…
He’s going to let Pence do it. Remember Bush? His last six months the only meeting on his calendar was a dentist appointment.
I lived through the travesty that was Bush. I agree. We are underreacting. It’s hard to know which thing is going to suck worst or where we need to start the fight but climate change is real and urgent. We are almost out of time. If Donald Trump tries to pull us out of the Paris Climate Agreement, I propose this…
Thank you Hamilton. This helped me. Also, thank you for being the only writer on this site today acting like an adult. Acting like a leader. Something we are sorely lacking. I really appreciate it.
Neither of them are responsible! Stop behaving like children. With your petulant false framing you are creating a false narrative just like that asshole filmmaker who framed Shirley Sherrod. Goddamn it! Be better! Don’t be fucking Brietbart!
Fuck you Ellie for using your platform to undermine the progressives populist movement leaving only an autocratic oppressive populist movement for people disenfranchised by rich establishment politicians working for rich people on the backs of the rest of us. Fuck you for ridiculing a good man who wanted to actually…
So glad she invested in all those god damn fire works...and took all that money intended for down ballot candidates. Thanks Clinton!
Yes. Yes it is.
Six more years in the closet. Boo-freakin’-hoo.
Donald Trump can’t read.
And like an asshole he blamed that on Jen. It was so rude.
Boy that Jack Posobiek guy is an idiot. First he makes up an “assassination attempt”, then deletes it, then pretends he did it on purpose and calls it trolling. That and all the other stuff on his feed shows what a mental case he is. All Trump supporters are mentally ill in one way or another but that guy needs…
That’s not what you said at all. Here’s your quote:
It doesn’t “prove” any of that.
This poor baby. I wish someone would do follow-up interviews with the bullies of people who take their own lives. Do they care? Do they feel guilt? Do they blame the person they bullied? How do they live with it?
Knowing gun safety wouldn’t have helped this little girl. Kids are hormonal and impetuous. Lock that shit up if you insist on having a gun.