Ha! You pretend they are capable of being embarrassed!
Ha! You pretend they are capable of being embarrassed!
I was just coming to say the same thing. Thank you for saying it better.
Gawd you sound like a Trump supporter. Being willing to overlook the lack of ethics to get the person you want elected elected is sad as fuck.
It’s not the wikileaks emails doing that. It’s that acts of these unethical democrats.
CNN is saying she was fired.
The girl was right there. It would take five seconds to ask her.
That lying old rapist is not blind. It’s all bullshit.
So you want an FBI that doesn’t investigate new information?
So, nothing. These men got off scot-free. Just like when the pulled guns at the Bundy ranch. The white privilege is so thick I am choking on it.
She’s running for office. She is expected to have a position on important issues.
How about make a statement that walks her talk on caring about Indian affairs rather than this mealy mouth statement through a surrogate that lists the native people affected by this issue LAST! It’s clear where her priority is — the oil industry and frackers!
She has a policy that she has announced that say she cares about issues affecting native peoples but when it comes time to walk her talk, she doesn’t. She is running for president. It’s not that hard to understand. Unless you suffer from motivated blindness.
But let some white ranchers take over a federal office with GUNS and nothing, NOTHING, is done!
Republicans on youtube are also okay with it. The comments section is a hot mess.
Amy Schumar’s piece always felt like a tribute and not a parody. Did she say it was a parody? I am guessing no. I am guessing the media said that.
I would argue that you have no idea what the cost of living is there, or what the cutting of health insurance coverage and transfering of increased insurance costs does while not offering cost of living increases does to a family’s budget. I would argue that the wealthiest university IN THE WORLD can afford to pay…
I wish people would stop using the sexist insult “cunt” to describe a woman they are angry with. How about “asshole” or “asshat” or something non-gendered? I mean, it’s 2016.
What is this douchebag frat bro’s name who asked her if they had “consexual sex” as a way of tricking her and trying to help his bro get away with rape. He needs to NEVER be able to live that down!
Yes, it’s all his fault. Let’s blame him for getting pissed at someone trying to slice and dice one of his guests. That makes perfect sense.
He blamed her for the “alternation”!?! He never “hard” a racial slur!?! Oh nooos. So he blamed her for one side...and then the other...but only softly?