
I know it’s debatable but i think Jesse Plemons is the new Phillip Seymour Hoffman.

G/O’s perceived metrics on making more $$$ which will ultimately just suck the place dry and it will die.

(This comment is unrelated to the review, I picked it because a shirtless Lee Pace is a gift to the world...) Would love to know why the powers that be decided to remove functionality from this site yet again. What happened to searching by show for reviews? Used to be a drop down menu to find every show with reviews

I love the show so far, especially this “ghosts” episode with some small reservations. The character(s) of the emperor are beautifully written and performed, as is everything regarding that storyline. Every romantic scene seems forced and completely unnecessary, which is about the most Asimov thing ever.

nah I googled around, saw similar sentiments. don’t like dealing with similar harassment, deleted said person that reminds me of that harassment.

That part about not being able to eject her from the mall killed me. Since fucking when? I remember the cops who patrolled the mall near my high school acting with near impunity. Their mission: Identify any time more than two Black or Brown kids got within 20 feet of each other, then come charging in to break up “gang

Lmaaaoooooo girl what??? She’s just saying buzzwords and hoping she can trick enough people into thinking it makes sense. An out of touch rich person who is opposed to things that are actually popular in the state she’s running in, but gung ho about rich people stuff that only a few people care about and she knows she

To all the entitled assholes that are SO scared and concerned they’re leaving California...

It’s hardly recent, but I’d say Northern Exposure (to which RA has been compared a number of times) was great for Indigenous representation. The main cast was predominantly white, but for a show that debuted around 1990, they were incredibly inclusive, with two Indigenous main cast members (and a large host of

You mean Tudyk?  Or do you know something I don’t about season 2?  :)

The only other show I watch that’s got Indigenous characters is Resident Alien, which I really liked, but has gotten very little attention here (even when there was a newswire about Alice Wetterlund, it failed to mention the show she’s currently on).  Early on in Resident Alien there seemed to be space being made for

Honestly, I think all of Utica’s fears about the Bob Ross afro & BAPs makeover being offensive stemmed from prior experiences where she actually *did* do something racially offensive/insensitive/appropriative and she was just trying to control her narrative/not get painted as the bigoted bumpkin. She’s from some crazy

Not to get all deep and philosophical, but it makes me wonder what kind of life Utica’s led. She is so passive and worried about being accepted, and terrified of offending anyone with the BAPS look or with an afro.  But then, when necessary, mean comes very easily for her.  And there is no in between.  She’s either

I think Gottmik is an accidental quirky ‘art nerd’. I suspect, when they were casting, Utica was supposed to be the oddball quirky queen, and Gottmik was supposed to be one of the high fashion, high glamour, editorial, fishy queens. I think Gottmik’s personality and willingness to get away from the white face paint

Yes, that is absolutely it. I’ve been waiting for someone else to see it too! She didn’t want to turn it off, she didn’t want to listen and adjust, and she let roasting bleed over into her entire episode. She did it to Olivia in the werkroom too. They all seemed tired of her.

Olivia really bothers me for reason. Her cutesy, ditzy schtick in drag (on high display in the roast) is just so underdeveloped. I can’t stand her bewildered baby / “comedic” lip sync style either. It really should’ve been Olivia that went home instead of Denali (not even a big Denali fan, she probably would’ve gone

Not only were her jokes just bad jokes, the clincher for me was when she gave those nasty clapbacks to Michelle and Loni in the coaching session when they were trying to give her feedback. Michelle says she knows Lion King beause she has kids and Utica goes “yea it looks like it.” Scuse me, what?? And then making the

Honestly, there’s a lot to like, it’s just seriously uneven. 

Why are you trying to remind me that People of Earth never got to finish telling me the story?

Hello? Hello?