
Ah, sorry, I hadn’t seen your (at least so far) grayed-out comment before making my own similar, needless one. I so hate this Kinja hierarchical grays nonsense, where you have to go through hoops just to see some comments.

I’m thinking that “parmesan” is a cutesy, intentional malaprop for “pandemic”?

Now playing

Sarkozy being a creep as usual, yes. Obama, no.

Or why not just some imaginary “--stan”? 

And it would probably help to watch with captions (if available), which is what confirmed it for me even more. I could still see that he had some kind of cast or boot on his right leg even before reading “Ow, my foot,” though.

Speaking of shoes, Harry’s difficulting with running in the barista’s body isn’t because the barista’s legs are too short. The barista is wearing an orthopedic boot on his right foot, presumably because of a fracture or other injury, and literally says “Ow, my foot” when running away.

I’m now glad that I struggled through the first episode and then sped through parts of the last episode to see if my original impression had been mistaken (nope), so that, if nothing else, I could more understandably enjoy this tour de force analysis.

[correction: Everclear 190 proof, which is 95 percent grain alcohol] 

Now playing

I hope you don’t use the 1/3 cup aloe vera to 2/3 cup alcohol ratio even with 75% grain alcohol, because that’s diluting it too much. Please check Pending comments. This is one time where the *most pertinent* info is still hidden in the grays. What a ridiculous system Kinja is, in this case literally dangerous.

Right, it’s not, probably because too many people mess up the ratios, like the above recipe of 1/3 cup aloe vera to 2/3 cup 70% alcohol, which makes much too diluted sanitizer to be effective. You could use about 2 tablespoons aloe vera, at most, to 1 cup of 70% alcohol to keep it above the recommended 60% alcohol

If you don’t live in California and wherever else it’s illegal, you can use Everclear 190, which is 95 proof/percent grain alcohol. (Everclear 120 is only 60%, so you can’t add anything else to it at all without diluting it too much.)


It’s an embedded Tweet, but if it’s still not showing for you, try this:

No probation or limo ride home, and his need for a walker still disappeared.

He’s too vain to wear his reading glasses in public, even to tweet.

I think you’ll enjoy this review of that not just treacly but positively even creepy book. I know I just did.

He couldn’t possibly have been racist because of his charity work and his adopted African American son, Zach. (Which sounds like a fascinating story ... I’d love to see how everybody involved compartmentalized this.)

Not directly linking to any of the Twitter apologists, just to the general search:

Intriguing, but it sounds scary to me in terms of the phone. I’d want at least an expired burner phone or some way to get ahold of 911, if needed.