
Definitely. It’s very common to hate the sound of your own recorded voice due to the difference in the way it sounds to yourself hearing it through the bones in your own head versus how it sounds to others/on a recording (and so I can totally empathize with Adam Driver for not wanting to hear, and see, a clip for

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I don’t know what recipe you used for Patti Labelle’s sweet potato pie since the link here is currently misdirecting to Aretha’s cobbler, but searching with ‘agave,’ I found this undated one (it’s also the same site used for Aretha’s recipe) that seems spurious or maybe just a misprint.

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Here he is, trying to imply it was an accident (“I was getting ready to bring my hands up and wave to the camera and to the audience, and there was a misjudge in character and decision-making. I touched her back. I did not know exactly where I touched her.”), wtf.

Safe link here, for a site that is similar to Snopes.

That really is a unique walk. It’s not Timothy Olyphant in Deadwood level of unique, but close.

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Oh dog, no more real canine sketches with Cecily Strong! That was scary and almost as bad as a couple of weeks ago with the pug on Dog Court. I’m afraid that either she or a dog is going to get hurt during one of them.

I had no idea how much of what kept me coming here was actually Splinter. It’s just so much fluff now.

I went to a Southampton event and it was all the bankers ... and not one person said anything negative to me.

Also, it should be “effect change,” not “affect change.”

Right, so at 7 weeks, it would be about twice as large as 6 weeks, so barely 2 peas across, not even half an inch.

Couldn’t agree more, thank you!

And in this case, according to the first link, it was a 6-week-old fetus, which is the size of a pea.

I wouldn’t either, considering that she paid her surrogates under the going rate in California.

This one is still currently showing with a mislabled age range when doing a search for “magnetic toys.”

Not even from friends. Both my sister and my daughter ended up with pink eye/conjunctivitis from sharing their friends’ eye makeup. Just no, no, no, no, no.

Great article, love the links. The Gamergate-ish butthurt over women’s Hugo wins still continues, at least in pockets on Reddit, but it seems to be waning with time, fortunately.

It would have been nice if this article had included (or at least links to) what it was that Roxane Gay “let him hear,” which I had to go digging for and is well worth reading, as to be expected:

My first thought exactly. Whoever can forget this monstrosity?

The Heidi Klum with a different wig might make a good Katie Couric.