
Everyone is horrible, part eleventy billion.

I can’t account for Tyler’s recollection of the needle as a part of the abortion. My guess is they did an amnio as part of her workup after the fire to determine harm to the fetus after her extreme level of oxygen deprivation, and Tyler misunderstood what that was for. Possibly it all became fuzzy in his memory (this

Twitter clips preview images; if you click through to the linked tweet, and then click on the image itself, the whole thing is there.

Yeah, it’s extremely unfortunate that Julia Holcomb is now an anti-choice asshole and very ardently involved in Silence No More.

OMG, are you kidding me with that forced-birther propaganda bullshit? “they punctured my uterus with a large needle and left me alone... the baby came out of me alive and was allowed to die.” That’s straight fantasy. That is not how abortions work. 

Thank you for finally covering this.

How anyone is fooled by conservative rhetoric baffles me. To actually believe that someone is callously killing babies moments before birth, you have to believe that a woman actively wanted to experience nine months of discomfort and anticipation but then... changed their mind on a whim?

I had an abortion at 15 weeks to remove my already dead fetus. Although it was simple and quick the process, quite frankly, sucked. It hurt, I felt sick and sore for a couple of days afterwards.

OTOH Joe Manchin stands up in front of her and looks like he’s about to pass out from sheer ecstasy from merely being in the same room as Trump.

because if she didn’t the media would be all over her for whenever FuckFace said anything remotely nice or patriotic

Was with you up to the Barron comment.  The boy is 12, let's leave him alone. He can't help who his parents are.

It’s a shame that Spanish has gone the way of Aramaic and there is no longer anyone around who Kushner could have consulted with who could provide an accurate translation.

I loved the attorney’s reply, although it is frightening that a judge needs to be reminded that a minor can’t consent. I hope the judge and this disgusting pedophile end up in the same cell block.

This is reminiscent of the way (white) governments separated indigenous children from their parents - few and poor records were often kept to discourage unification of the child with their family. Otherwise the success of cultural genocide would be endangered.

I’ve seen her be asked about [the death penalty] numerous times now and her answer has always been that she is opposed to it.

Roger means to have dirty sex with someone in the UK (There’s a whole joke of a kid’s tv show called Captain Pugwash where there was Roger the cabin boy although that’s a myth), yeah the surname is hilariously vulgar.

Well, to be fair, Sean Hannity’s show ain’t going to watch itself.

It’s so hard because so many of the people who run the media are exactly like the accused men.