
So I’m not black, I’m Mexican but I wanted to say from one person with different hair to another person with different hair- do yo ‘do!

One of the most upsetting things, for me, is my daughter’s unwillingness to embrace her natural hair.

Shit, i’ve known *12 year old boys* who navigate their emotions better.

Isn’t that Kim’s job?

Is there some kind of ray or beam we can use? Usually I’m of the mind “don’t wish illness on people” but fuck all of those white cisgendered men.

“flaming pile of rotten shit” bag?

The sun has my vote

With how he’s running things, we’ll be back in the 17th century in no time.

You had me at “beer list”

I’m still waiting on my check from Soros-they SOB stiffed me! ;)

Surely, then,Bennett when your grotesque genitals finally wrinkle and no longer function, then the Lord will also feel it inappropriate that you continue to attempt to breed? No viagra for you, right?
Fuck this guy and his hypocritical bullshit.


Snark aside, nootropics *have* been shown to improve cognition and focus. They’re just uncertain about long-term side effects.


well,I can now say I have something in common with Rachel Dolezal - no one will hire me either. :(

There was some article that said 45 definitely does *not* eat many veggies or anything remotely healthy, has stores of unhealthy snacks and eats fast food frequently

Yes, and yes.

So I know a lot of people find him to be an empty vacuous actor, but he never comes across that way in interviews.

Must’ve been all the vodka.

Just wait for the season finale.