
the norfolk constabulary had a lotus (lotus are based in norfolk) rigged up as a video game controller, they made you do a lap normally, and then again while texting, trying to get people to realise how dangerous it can be to do both, it proved to be a really popular set up

I worry I can feel myself turning into a fanboy, I had a ps1, gamecbe, 360, but I find myself rooting for the xbox to do really well, and am indifferent about the ps4, and I really don't know why.

also, with kinnect , do you think in the future we will just be able to lean in real life (or tilt the controller the case of playstation)

medal of honour european assault had it, and it was really awesome, it just feels more satisfying to have that extra bit of control over where you lean from, makes it feel more immersive

"A two-child family that includes a boy and a girl gives the boy a sister, and the girl a nothing but a contemptible brother"

here in the UK i know we get Jack Daniels and Jim bean (in various colours/prices, and recently we've gotten the jack daniels honey and single cask mlarkey thats super pricey, and possibly makers mark, with those limited options what would you guys say is best to try out?

that should be easy enough, they're all in a pile at the bottom of the hill

every time i try to go back to firefox, my whole computer slows down, and within moments it says "firefox not responding" and freezes up for a few seconds, after that it usually runs fine, but I rarely give it the opportunity anymore, usually just when i want to cheat on my rescutime plugin and visit a banned site

in rewatching the avengers, when tony stark pretends he's not home to coulson at the start, he says "this is the life model decoy of tony stark" so they have technically already brought them up in universe

things like this always make me think about what the writers intent is, in episodes where everyone works hard at their jobs, and she "searches social media for information", are they trying to make her look useless? or is it just badly written, I imagine its the latter.

went to the comments hoping someone else heard it in a northern accent

I vote for rainbow road!

Their skin felt itchy, too bad

luke, I am your father...psych!

two people, one pod, one knife

okay so a ...friend of mine usually has a coffee in the mornings with brekfast to help with the ol' bowel movements, any recommendation on what would be a good replacement for that?

so is there a benefit to trying to knife someone, or should you just wait for them to knife you so you can counter them? (like in assasins creed, I always just waited for them to attack so i could counter it)

I like how for the most part elementary skips the "every week justify why you're right to a dissaproving supervisor even though you're always right" that alot of shows do, sure in the pilot he had to convince the detectives, but since then they either ask for proof, or let him get on with it.

I did not guess how a beautiful mind was going to end, I may have been young and naive, but I thought he was telling the truth the whole time!

I've never seen the film, but see the "reveal" mentioned all the time, so there is no chance I will forget about it (as I somtimes do if i read about a plot then see the film a few years later) will I still enjoy this film? I literally know nothing about it beyond the "reveal"