
having never done writing of any kind, is this the writers doing this to create flawed fallible characters? or is it really just bad writing, where they've ended up somewhere awkward somehow and are now just struggling to come up with a coherent way out?

You should start asking the people that do the "how I work" interviews "how long each day do you spend on productivity websites?" I imagine the answers will differ from the average reader :D

I recently installed it, then realised there is ZERO way to shut it down, it auto selected itself to run on startup even if i de-selected it, uninstaller programs couldn't uninstall it, I had to use a separate program they list on their website that gets rid of it, it may be good, I was just distrustful of something

on tweetdeck, you can turn of ALL retweets, or if you use lists, can turn them off for each list individually, my "interesting" list has a lot of websites that retweet people who are talking about them, so now all retweets in that list are turned of" click the down arrow on the top, and then click contents,

I went into this show wanting to see professionals be bad-ass, and have sweet back and forth dialogues with each other, the whole outfit just feels far to amateur to me, I didn't really want to watch "the young kids learning how to make it in this crazy espionage world"

it was when he decided he needed that guys eyes and tongue, ugh that was messed up


ah last time there was a post on gizmodo about shovels (before the new comment system) the author got a few facts wrong, and when people in the comments asked about it he just mass deleted them all, hopefully this will go alot smoother

okay to begin with I though their work on collecting fluids research got them an Ig Nobel Prize

I'm afraid I have zero Idea what this article is about, so the cards against humanity guys are annoyed about Mike giving an apology for the dickwolves thing at pax? or did he say something else at pax, separate to the apology? and the cards against humanity guys said "mike fucked us" and now they're annoyed that they

oh okay, as the ship is still in such shape it seems like a shame, but the cost or redoing it must be ALOT if scrapping it and building a new ship is cheaper

I wonder if they will charge people more or less to go in the renovated cruise ship that was "pulled from the sea floor"

Surely from an ethical point of view, if it was an option between hitler Killing her, or Hitler Killing millions of jews, killing her is the more humane option, but the ways she's been treated seems pretty bad, though when you point out a dumb person is dumb, like she's done, the dumb person rarely responds with "why

welcome to how people who aren't tech writers have felt about the iphone since day 1

if you could set it up so when it senses the kids fingerprint it only allowed them to play certain games/put a childlock on it, that could be pretty cool

From what I've seen of firefly, It's been good, but I've had it hyped up so much, I've found it impossible to watch without all that expectation, I once had a friend literally show me an episode and watch me while it was on, waiting to see how I reacted, so thats really put me off watching it, I don't really see now

I know its not the worst, but Kristen Chenoweth would have been so much better with him! anna friel was just too twee, and too much like The Pie Maker

whoahhhhhhhh slow down there slick, surely this is still new enough to be in spoiler land?