
I for one, am enjoying aggressive Larry. As one who is getting older than I would like; I totally relate. Although I’m still about 20 years younger than Larry, I’m starting to get to the point of not caring about social niceties to the point of pure aggression. Not sure if I should admit that but it’s true!

I loved the series, loved the ending (fight me), and I loved the big reveal about the nature of Dracula’s weaknesses.

Without getting into spoiler territory, the last line of the third episode legit got me choked up. It was genuinely beautiful, and the ending overall was so beautifully done. They absolutely stuck the landing IMO.

Except he’s not wrong. Especially about the “tribalism” part. Because that is the upheaval that the internet has made possible. The playing field has never been consistent or fair but it was obscured enough that nobody could compare notes and see how they’re getting screwed. Now the toothpaste is out of the tube and

You know what’s more insufferable than the interview?

This is just untrue. The opening crawl in New Hope makes it clear that the Empire is evil enough to have inspired a Rebellion to pop up. Then we see a running Rebel ship being chased by a mammoth, scary looking ship. The visual film language is clear here. Then when the Rebel ship is caught, we see that one side has

Why not give people the option?

You know if you just wait 7 weeks you can binge all you like. 

This may have been the most correct and succinct explanation of the problems of the prequels and the sequels.

Or how about this idea: instead of Kylo Ren being Anakin all over again (a Skywalker turned bad) what if he was the child of Imperial officers killed on the Death Star? What if he grew up his old life resenting the Rebellion and the chaos it created? What if his whole beef with Luke came from a place that made us

Or Gilbert Gottfried.

I don’t think you need to have the “allegedly” parenthetical. The man was convicted in a court of law. He did it.

Watchmen is too good for this shit

I also recommend cosmic black metal 

Him getting back in bed with DC for America’s Best Comics after what went down with Watchmen is hard to reconcile with his and his daughter’s statements.

All due respect, Alan Moore is right. Other than a handful of titles mainstream comics have been undergoing a massive degeneration the past decade and change. If you can’t see it I don’t know what to tell you. The British invasion dovetailing with Frank Miller’s contributions in the 80s and 90s is still the high

Except the reality run by wasps. The moral is, we need to elect a wasp president.

So it still fits - 96 of it’s 154 episodes will have aired from 2010 onwards.

The reviewer goes on to say that Robbie was terrible in the film. So... he’s supposed to give more lines to someone who is performing terribly? Can't have it both ways.