
you put your weed in there.

and thanks for this too.

thanks for posting that I’ve missed him since he left cracked.

Redlettermedia’s George foreskin grill commercial for justin roiland’s new game Trover saves the universe.

How would she know what a joke is?

yeah and the us elected Trump you’re both stupid.

tomatoes are great too bad most places don’t have properly ripe tomatoes, instead they’re green, hard or overripe therefore I rarely get them.

most of us in Canada hate the leafs and are happy.

worst episode of the season.

Not floundering, it’s still as good as last season.

they didn’t sing the word they sang “Nigga”

What kind of a moran throws a punch at a guy with a footbaw helmet on?

plus Sizemore is a molester, but I guess you can overlook that.

what a Horribly stupid sport.

Wow, Demetria’s hot as fuck!!

4-1, maybe 4-3, I dozed off till the game was over that train horn sure was annoying.

boy is that dumb.

seriously, their actually worse than mma fans.

phenomenal article.

she was 23?!!!!!