Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

Of course the comments range from, “Ewwww!” to, “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it”, and I have to be the odd one out, wondering, “Isn’t brain nasty-high in cholesterol?”

“I think I’m done with school.”

I’m surprised enough to see all 3 “Back to the Future” movies and only the first “Iron Man”, making it seem clear these were hand-picked, but seeing “Blazing Saddles” and “Young Frankenstein” were almost as startling as “Sense and Sensibility”... Watching a period drama in space has some whimsy to it.

I think “I remember the blitz” is going to become part of my wisecrack arsenal.

Aw, no tongue-in-cheek “lens flare stun attack”?

Anybody remember “Mercenaries”? Not sure about the second, but the first certainly let you change the world...

“As a result, Wonky Mr. Potato head looks like a character out of a Salvador Dali painting...”

First, I’m glad that the first movie that I can think of involving my hometown has my favorite Marvel hero hanging around Randy’s. Second, you don’t even need to know the San Diego Freeway’s just across the street to know damn well that Nick would be swimming through a crowd, screaming for Tony to get down, instead of

I was rather hoping that the take on the DeLorean would reference the one time it was racing around in the dirt...
That’d mean two cars with red-rimmed white-walls, but why not?

While I definitely can see why people are worried about the stuff in the walkways contaminating the water, I seriously just wish I still had free annual summer trips to Europe thanks to my dad’s job, so I could beeline to Italy, then run on them like a mother for all of 10 seconds before getting tuckered out, and

“Graphene can’t be seen with the naked eye.”

Now playing

Uncanny timing, as I saw this slightly amusing, more often infuriating rundown of what it is that’s basically this article, for those who prefer videos...
It’s annoying to think that chances are just admitting that what we already had thanks to D.B. Cooper and Co. isn’t good enough for who or whatever insists on

I misread that as a bunch of video promos starring all of them, so I was rather glum that my expectations of Deadpool and Jeff Goldblum bantering/bickering in between bouts of Mr. Pool giving the X-Men all sorts of meta-grief were immediately shot down.

“Anyone can pound mochi as long as you have a will.”

I see phase 2 has a movie titled, “Fastpass: Forward to the Past”...

Lotuses or Loti.
Still trying to figure out if you pronounce the former “Low-tuh-sees”, so adding this movie screencap’s funnier and ever-so-slightly more relevant.

Fuck that green egg, in particular.
And ham, too.

On one hand, I was expecting 3 middle-of-nowheres.
But I wasn’t expecting one middle-of-nowhere to be one I’m sentimental for, since my great-grandma lived in OKC for the entirety of the time I was around to see her.
It’s almost like the world’s trying to give me excuses to fuel my urge to go back for a long visit when

The point where the music intensified as Shiny Shoulders closed in on Futuristic Drive Fan before saying, “... I’m not gonna’... Do something” was coherent enough to be hilarious.

It’s like a streamlined version of the wonderful gibberish that comes out of the “Bad Lip Reading” videos.

The article title says “The Goonies, Gremlins, Adventure Time, the A-Team, and More”, but all I see is...