Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

... So Nifty Glass Speaker Thingies are great in sound systems for the introverted and shy and crap for boomboxes.
Got it.

Always wondered why Nike buying out Converse and overpricing everything never meant they’d promptly start swapping out shoe materials to vaguely justify prices...
Even if I miss some of the old school trappings, I still love how the “Chuck Taylor II” shoes turned out. Nice padded insole that lets you walk around for

To be fair, I could see school caretakers being well out of the loop...

‘Course I’ve been living an hour south of Seattle, but I’m still confused how I’ve been stuck here for a decade, visited Seattle and aimlessly wandered plenty, and never had to deal with something as innocent as lots of high-fives.
But I do wish someone would finally either quit taking bribes or be sociable enough to

While hearing it from a pompous ass really kills the value of the opinion, there really isn’t much fun being so damn high up when you want to be able to just sit down and enjoy the sight out your window...
‘Course I’d prefer living in something where I could survive falling out the window in the first place, but having

I was wondering why this situation seemed familiar, realized, then paused to make sure no one else already posted it...
Kinda’ one-upped them by not even bothering to hork it down and deal with the brain freeze before taking off.

There’s probably a ton that I’m blanking out on, but I can’t just think of one, and the first two come to mind for the same reason.
(Hint: They’d probably compare nicely size-wise to the classic.)
As for the third, why wouldn’t I want something that’s so tailored for hitting the beach that the interior’s themed towards

I love how they don’t seem all that concerned about Mr. Mackenzie;
It’s just CAMERA MUST DIE and damn the consequences of having to climb up him in attempt to accomplish that.

I wish I’d a nice frame of reference to understand all this...
I see “17 years for a 35-mile tunnel” and immediately think, “Well how long would our red tape-fetished government take to do this?”
‘Course you can’t just get a ballpark of how fast the boring machine could work either because of those 73 sorts of rock, and

Ye gods, I forgot all about those...
‘Course it doesn’t help that I can’t even remember when or where I got those, and where they went.
I do remember eventually getting the slime-sporting cement mixer truck and the weird McDonald’s toys, though; somehow I knew even back then that having an eye in your mouth couldn’t

Is it just becoming a thing where twerps slip behind stuff meant to keep them out and ruin nice things now?
The lions, then the gorilla, now poor Lego Nick here.

I love how this pops up a short while after I did a bunch of research on alligators and crocodiles as food in attempt to search for something that has it coming a decent bit more than cows...
Finding that they’re just a relatively harmless mascot of sorts has me feeling guilty for my first thought at the sight of them;

So in other words, unless the city exempts historic cars, the possibility of getting to behind the wheel of one of these bad boys there’s completely gone.
Wish I knew it was possible to talk Citroën into making electric replicas.

Now playing

In case the buggy laptop’s failing to load the video means everyone else’s left in the dark too...
Wish the system gave me more time to edit when things are bugging out.

I was well over enraptured by it, until the opponent appeared and reminded me that typically dragsters are only tearing off down a strip during a race...
Then my emotions veered hard towards an embodiment of that Youtube darling dumbass screaming at his cat to RUN! F—-ING RUUUN!

If only classic Fiats were that light...
Considering all the new tech getting developed nowadays, I wonder how long it’d take to get a car you could play acrobat with if the companies just got the right amount of money and a move on.

And what’s with all the toddlers whining about an opinion?
If you’re that concerned, why

I love how there was a photo of them doing the Charlie’s Angels pose conveniently around for an article photo...
Suddenly I’m convinced I need to get someone to take photos of me in the pinstripe super-suit playing Mr. Hero with the best bud, just in case.

It just pains me that they waited around instead of confronting

I love how little the way he talks in casual chats vary from how he narrated the show...
Have to wonder what factors led to him developing such a distinct way of speaking.

Isn’t intertextuality usually a term used to note references outside of whatever narrative’s being referenced?
Maybe it’s just the college classes I took, but it feels awkward to use it in such a way.