Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

Is it just me, or is there quite a bit of other Burton-based inspiration in the design?
DuchessOfDork’s noted the animated Lydia Deetzy batponcho, Lando Two-Face’s got a bit of a Large Margey thing going on with his burnt half...
Not to mention I can’t stop snickering how the lady near Commish Gordon seems to be

It’s strange to think that it was a time travel-based book that led me to realize just how unnerving the whole idea is.

I forgot; which type do you kill vampire rabbits with?

I’m not quite sure why most of the other picks sound so contrived, yet using “cuss” just seems to work...

Considering the two crucial aspects of games I enjoy playing seem to be exploration and what I call “dicking-around-potential”, I’m thinking my first experiences realizing you could just wander around and blast the hell out of everything in “Goldeneye” and “Perfect Dark” on the N64 and not have the game immediately

I forgot all about “L for left”; I used that for myself for a while when I was directionally challenged. :)
I’ll have to read up on dyslexic advantages, though - thanks for letting me know about that!

This was posted with surprisingly coincidental timing, as I’d just read this other article on Cracked - yeah, the humor site, I don’t get why I find so much useful knowledge there either - that delves deeper by interviewing two dyslexic gents with varied problems.
I haven’t been able to put on my watch without

Now playing

I’m not sure if they’re buddies just screwing around, by the way the video cut in the middle, or he hilariously made a point to pretend to be just a harmless scooter right up until the point where the motorcyclist passed him... Or both.

Either way, I can’t help but think of this movie when they’re clearly doing a “pass

So, even using a hyper drive, it took us 45 seconds to jump from planet to planet.

A Ferrari sporting a hover conversion, gatlings behind the headlights, and number 13 racing decals...
With those specifics, all I can think is, “Who the hell stole one of my favorite cars to make Washington traffic miserable with in an alternate universe?”

I’m probably ages away from learning how to draw in a decent fashion, but ye gods, would those write-on screens be a nice thing to spend those ages with...
Is there as much as a confusing disconnect as I’d suspect for the more touchpad-like boards that work with a separate screen?

My chest started aching from reading down that.
4 posts, and she’s gone.

Think this’ll be the last response to this article that I look at, out of fear someone’ll find a final giddy “first day of work” post on Facebook...

“Well, that’s neat.”
*Scrolls Down, Sees The Words “Mint 400”*
“Ye gods, the game has changed.”

Now playing

I couldn’t help but hear this song the instant I saw the Mickey-masked one, for obvious reasons...

There; all fixed.
I hadn’t seen a place where psychopathy is the norm instead of the exception before I moved here.

Altogether, now:
“Hi, Tom!”

I’m trying desperately to think of a more meaningful comment than the chant of, “Name it Zaphod” ringing in my head, but I’m failing...
So there’s that.

I’m not sure if someone had to remind me that the soundtrack had a lot of 80s influence’s because I was enjoying the movie so much that I hadn’t noticed the music, or that my typical “Enjoy something in an indirect way” bull has seen to it I’ve been listening to so much retro 80s-style stuff over discovering “Hotline

I’m a bit annoyed that I’ve yet to even read one of the comics but knew to realize, “Hey, it’s Bob!” and keep an eye out for other easter-eggy stuff I’ve read about, yet somehow it never occurred to me that the big aircraft carrier in the fore/background had some really odd bits to it...

It’s also hilariously awesome to think that the friendship had a lot to do with the use of music in the movie.