Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

Took me a while to realize that this was a genuine, surprisingly relatively harmless military vehicle and not something someone cobbled together for a rampage... That spiked plow makes it look hilariously sinister.

While it’s nifty, realizing Nerf themselves made it makes me wonder why they didn’t just stick one or two of something like this on the front and give you - Err, the kids a way to control it, either electronically or mechanically.
As a nutty journalist once said, anything worth doing is worth doing right.

... And of

So does this mean Ray’s going by the name of Il Duchi now?

I’m glad they did a video on this particular car - when I saw the earlier video posted on here including two others, I knew pretty quickly that I wanted this cycloptic beast the most.
Just makes me a bit glum about how the whole “last of it’s kind” talk makes the England to France road trips sound a lot more dangerous.

I’ve seen quite a bit of his stuff, and I think he’s great when you want stupid-funny laughs in gameplay commentary, and sadly just isn’t much fun with anything not regarding video games...
Maybe it’s just that he shines with reacting to things instead of outright creating things to goof off about.

Ye gods, even the parents got into it?
Heh, I found myself trying to figure out how many fingers I use and messing up as well - “Oh, so I do use my other fingers. Weird...”
And I know the feeling about desensitized keys; chances are it was the D being esensitized on the keyboard I was rattling away at as well. :)

Funny enough, I learned about this first-hand... Pun not intended but invited.
The tech class I was forced to take the first quarter of high school (long, stupid story) meant typing lessons, so I learned how to do the normal way instead of hunt/pecking.
What I thought would count as an unfortunately, I ended up slowly

Not sure if you’ve ever read the Transmetropolitan comics, but that comment immediately brought to mind the... Interesting extreme conclusion of lab-grown meat that the writers and artists presented...

The fact Galaxy Quest’s 17 years old’s and came out right at the end of the 90s’ awfully depressing to me; I remember watching the DVD a bunch of times in the mid 2000s, so it all feels ever-so-long ago.

I still don’t know how I feel about him, but I’m glad he’s the sort to see The Big Lebowski shortly after it came

It was depressing enough to hear about the water problems, but this helped remind me he’s from there, and that’s where a ton of bullshit that GM had caused went down that he made a documentary about...
The town’s pretty much being martyred to become the most shining example of why we can’t trust big companies or the

The only true realism is strangeness.

Now if there was some way to shoehorn this dude (these dudes?) and all the other freaky beasties into the movie, I’d be happy as could be...
Ye gods, imagine Mr. Del Toro putting his own spin on that.

Considering he’s still working on the new Haunted Mansion movie as well, I’m trying to keep all the crossover

I’m worried I’m already in love with the GNs just looking at them...
Who wouldn’t want a seemingly surly, cycloptic, ancient-but-speedy beastie?

Step One: Devote a million or so, despite the fact it’ll probably be much cheaper, to getting one of these and hypermodifying it to be the sort of car it should’ve always been. Maybe even coax DeLorean Motor proper to consider it a prototype for the next batch of “new” cars.

Right then;
Who’s going to start the crowdfunder for the shaped slicers?
Nuts to fairness, the designs look like how we should’ve been eating pizza slices last year.

I’d taken up to calling them segway boards too, since while I’m not much for Part II, having Back to the Future as my favorite movie still means I’m annoyed they’re throwing the name mostly onto anything but something that actually hovers...
Of course there’s a few experimental, never-to-be-mass-produced exceptions.

I wish I’d something more meaningful to say to this than that the gif is giving me a flashback to stumbling up a peculiar conveyor belt just as steep if not more in Vienna to get to the top of a century old toboggan slide, but I do not.

I’m already in LA for the holidays, already know there’s plenty to see elsewhere in the state, but seeing a modern Stingray in the Alamo rental lot and the obligatory Vegas drive daydreams led to the typical urges to fill the empty spaces of the mental map.
Even aimlessly wandering the downtown in a car’d be nice,

I’m guilty of using this on damn near every video I’ve watched since I found it...
Doesn’t help that I watch a lot of let’s-players that don’t edit much - usually not a bad thing until they get ditzy and spend 30 minutes dancing around a game objective before “Oh!”, or I’ve got to catch up on several videos of

The “High Speed .44 Magnum” brought to mind something else entirely...