Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

I’m having flashbacks of when I decided to tinker with Google Map’s flight simulator speed settings...
Especially since I think I recall it taking the same literal couple of minutes for me to fly back to California from Washington state, given the runway was level enough to not send the thing face-planting into the

Complete novice to the politics of pub-trans, but does anyone know if any big(ger?) cities have tried showing the fun in getting around the city through these options?

Random, relevant fact:
You can go on a private Jeepney tour in LA’s Filipinotown.

I’ve always been curious about Jeepneys, though I think the Indiana Jones Adventure at Disneyland’s biased me much more towards old jeeps that wear their worn militaristic hearts on their sleeves.

Sky gliding capability and the ability to make me have to take a couple seconds to realize what reason led to a photo of a tree?
Alright, you can stay 3-dimensional, and alive, of course.

I remember seeing that logo intermingled with the meatball on so much stuff that I’m a bit shocked it caused that much of an uproar...
While neither of them seem to really have the timeless look everyone strives for and the Worm actually seems to bellow 70s/80s science fiction at the top of it’s lungs, I kinda’ like

I’m not much for the idea of hydraulics, but someway, somehow, just the depiction of the wheels has me wishing a department would have the cheek to bedeck the whole fleet like that.

I see this, and immediately think of my own scheme to modernize an old-old school roadster...
Of course I’m way ahead of myself and already wondering as to how to shove a turbodiesel into such an updated design and whether durable 3D-printed plastic would be best for the body work.

My laptop slowed the animation so that it seemed like they slid into view...
Thought they were the mister-friend of the lady behind Winkie’s for a second.

Swear the map actually has a Denny’s rip-off that looks way too familiar, to boot -
wonder what’s the odds there’s an appropriate wall to hide behind and some way to

I don’t blast people apart on sight, but it’s more because I’m trying to get as much distance between us as possible while tearing off on my bike or what have I...
Seeing this makes me feel a bit guilty about racing away from someone who seemed to hesitate when I noticed their blip coming straight at me and went

Funny thing’s with all the emphasis on teamwork in the game and the recently upped consequences if you go wreaking havoc - to the point you can’t even accidentally blow up your car without getting deemed that you’re starting to psycho - I’m not even sure if that’s the point anymore; the players either remember GTA

All I can think when I see this is, “Well, so much for that”.

produced by a company whose other line of work is “bioprinted leather.”

Given I’ve yet to be in a relationship, I’ve really no clue yet as to whether there ever will be a make/break necessity for mutual feelings towards a movie.

It was taking me the longest while to answer “Why do these little bastards seem familiar?”, but I finally realized...
Honestly, I don’t know whether a royally pissed possessed African idol or royally pissed miniature robotic bear would be worse to have around the house - or which I’d want to have a plush of more.

It was a joking hybrid of the quote and my suspicions on the meaning of the game; “In your torn head”, ‘cause you know - missing frontal lobe, hallucinating, and all.

Ye gods, talk about, “I am the one hiding in your torn head, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red”.

And yeah, of course I’m not keen on trying the damn game myself with my hypersensitivity to pleasant surprises, but the fact the teeth-fixated designs and implausibility that some crazy robots would just crash at your

I see this, and my mind immediately goes to a joke in the video game Red Dead Redemption, where a proto-FBI agent, his assistant, and the main character are bickering about how slow the most former’s 1911-era car is trundling down the dirt road as a bunch of armed outlaws on horses are gaining on them...
If I recall

Ye gods, this’ giving me serious nostalgia for the old Tomorrowland arcade in Disneyland...
‘Course I was too young and nervous of anything flippy to try, but just seeing it at work was a treat in itself.

A good amount of this sounds awfully similar to what’s been bugging me for more than a year now, though “loss of control” sums up a lot of less existential problems as well, but I’ve some additions in my own case...

“Now I want to experience the American dream.”