Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

I've always had a weird thing for the 469...
I got the biggest kick out of the fact the military at the Hungarian air force base my dad worked at for NATO mostly uses them to get around, and I started scouring the Hungarian used car site Használt Autó to see how many I could find; they listed a bunch of old military

Ah, sounds fair enough. Though it would be funny to be able to switch crews in the middle of the game just to mess with buds.
Thanks for the information!

I figure it is, and they just start unloading shotguns on you the instant you figure 13 trumps what 1 says.
Either that or they didn't think this whole biker toughness + politics thing through.

Ah, figures the instant answers would conflict with other reports...
Just makes me want to see a P-38 race the two even more now.

Even though there's only around 5 airworthy ones left, I'm particularly picky about my idea of a WWII fighter race...
Thanks to Google's confusingly handy instant answers about top speeds, the Corsair would be capable of beating either the Mustang or the (I'll assume vanilla) Lightning, but at least the latter's 4

Considering it's basically the rare classic Mini of the Jeeps for LESS than local classic Minis are priced, I think it's too nicely priced...
I'd feel much more comfortable badgering military-themed museums to buy it rather than risk me going nuts modifying it and feeling guilty later.

Ha, thanks for showing us that - it's a shame that rocket launcher and fireworks are only temporary features. Know it makes little sense outside of Independence Day, but so does fireworks in a Los Angeles expy in the first place.

Somehow this precedes all the whining, so thanks for the warning...
I've always wondered why people have such strong hatred for him.
I know his silly juvenile humor isn't everyone's bag, but they act like he brutally murdered their favorite pet.
Must say I can sympathize the slightest bit if it's out of jealousy of his

I have to laugh, considering someone from Gizmodo visited the town I would've been in right now for the summer, looking at the plane my dad worked on at the very same base had it not been for screwy air force politics...

I'm a little concerned how fast my opinion developed from "Well, that's peculiar" to "Great; now all the other DSs somehow look dull in comparison"...
Also doesn't help I'm in Washington, so I'm quite intent on seeing it in person now.

So really, every time I go on GTA Online I'm trying to capture that fleeting evening of romance and casual psychopathy. My favourite thing is to fly about in a helicopter following police car chases; if anyone crashes or gets stuck, I swoop down and land nearby. "Quick, get in the chopper," I shout fruitlessly to the

I'm pretty sure a bunch of us wanted the ability to own police vehicles for one reason or another - mine's honestly pretty simple...
Is it alright if I borrow your justice-based idea for my daydream of chasing after the shoot-happy kids in a cruiser with this license plate?

They did.
But chances are hardly anyone's going to enjoy the plot outcome.

As a fellow Back to the Future/DeLorean nut, seeing all this is genuinely eye-sweatingly adorable...
Which's also why it's annoying me most the comments here are about desires to sleep with her.

I love how the guy at mission control warns "You're way too exposed there", and he just barrels right through...

This makes me wonder how acquaintances of mine reacted when I mentioned how I got to experience things like driving around in a Ferrari California for my birthday or running around in Barcelona...
I've always made "shitty stuff" surrounding the events quite clear, though. Constantly mentioned how baffled I was to be

I love how much the bike looks like it doesn't belong anywhere in the picture, like someone just slapped it in there through photoshop...
If only someone had the time, money, and interest to replicate it.

I managed to understand "stop" at the end, but the rest was Greek to me (no, not literally).
Even though it sounds like they put a weird tweeting noise in the mix to throw people off, I wonder if it's an inflection-related thing.

The weird thing's I don't recall any actual books or stories scaring me, but the illustrations certainly made me jump.
The "Red Spot" illustration in this book, the leering body of the woman in the "bride in a trunk" story, and when I finally found the first book in a school sale set... Well, I'm sure you know the one.