Mr. Wilson, Reluctant Pumpkin King Incarnate

Not into hunting whatsoever, but this' so wonderfully gonzo that I'd immediately grab it...
How often do you see a Checker cab/woody/offroader hybrid, if at all?

I think Mr. Goodman took that right where I'd stand on the beach; it's a favorite haunting ground when I'm temporarily back home in California...
You should see the tankers that are sitting a distance out to the left.

So Mr. White basically had the same sentiments as I do towards animals, just in slightly different ways...

Since I started doing invite-only sessions, a whole lot of nothing.

My first thought just glancing at the video picture was about how awesome it'd be to use them to scale and hop off those buildings in the background...
Somewhat like a lazy, ever-so-slightly-safer parkour.

Poor little guy.

"It's almost joyless."
Then he appears and hilariously/thankfully ruins the gloom.

Good luck trying to demolish these babies. Repurposing them is rather difficult.

If it's a real deal, it's becoming Go-Pro's new commercial.
I'm not even giving them the choice, because it's too hilariously awesome to pass up.

The first thing that comes to mind is how this would make me want to dress nicely for playing videogames...
It'd be hilariously awesome to wreak havoc in my favorite suit.

This brings to mind Tangerine Dream's work in Grand Theft Auto V's soundtrack...
Wonder what's the odds video games could actually help bring back some of these cinematic aspects into popularity?

To quasi-reference "The Movie" as they referred to it, weight might have a lot to do with it.
Apparently the stainless steel panels helped make the car a lot heavier than planned.

Hmm, wonder if the Back to the Future figures'd fit right into the plastic DeLorean that was made recently...
Not quite sure why the idea of a George McFly action figure amuses me so much, but I'm glad they're making them.

Maybe it's because I tend to enjoy old-fashioned stuff, but I actually enjoy the yellow-hued lights...
Little surprised people keep using "sickly" to describe the light, when my mind just goes straight to sepia.
Rather makes sense that the Golden State's most famous city's streets would be swathed in a golden tint at

"Hey motorcycle engines?
I'm going to have to call you back..."

I had the opening riff to the song in my head as I read the article...
With how satirical the game is and how Rockstar clearly doesn't care about mentioning California anymore, I kinda' wish they tried asking Tool if they could've used the song.

So the fact it looks easy to break is a good thing...?
I know it's probably because I'm just so accustomed to plain jane - err, planes, but I can't imagine myself hopping onto such an aircraft too willingly, even if I love the wing and nose styling.
I suppose radical immediate change instead of gradual's why we can't

Why would you want to punch a bird in GTA?

I wish I bumped into him; most my interactions with the maniacs wreaking havoc are to watch them from a distance in a plain copter since GTA IV, so I'm sure he'd love to have some guy to just chauffeur him around in the air.
At least the fact this means he made a "MEDIA" gang should make it quasi-easy to find him and

Does clothing and accessories like hats and sunglasses count?
Because I've searched for so many things I'd like that don't seem to exist yet that it's getting to the point I wonder if crowdfunding a clothing/accessory brand'd be a worthwhile endeavor.
Of course the fact I tend to look for things like faux leather